
Monday 15 October 2018

October days

We've had some gloriously warm sunny days with no wind, and some gales, rain and grey skies. Both are just part and parcel of Autumn.  I treasure the sunshine as the days shorten.

The windy days are dramatic, though Graemsay is fairly protected in terms of rough seas.  But NOT from the wind which screams like a banshee around buildings. Incoming rain here!

Choppy seas.... the ferry from Graemsay to Stromness doesn't get cancelled that often, though there are days when it doesn't go. And others when I choose not to be on it!

But back to calm, sunny days... while they last!

The hens just love the sun, taking time to preen and sunbathe, holding out wings and stretching in the warmth. The willows here are one of their favourite spots!

This dappled grey hen stretching her legs to get the rays!

Tallulah is the black hen on the right.  So called as she reminds me of a showgirl with her top knot of feathers.  Pecky Hen is resting on the ground (plotting my downfall I'm sure!).

This corner of the garden is quite sheltered and still has quite a few plants flowering.  The geum, lavatera, and asters doing well, as is the borage and the last of the wildflowers. Some annual marigolds happily providing nectar for the bees too.

My garden sculpture (a recent aquisition) is now safely in the shed for the winter, but seemed happy in the garden with the geum.

Button likes the old pallets (used to grow salad leaves in summer).  It's a handy step ladder to get up onto the wall! (Hoy High lighthouse peeping over the dyke (wall)).

This old elder tree sadly is not sheltered and with the first of the Autumn winds the leaves are blackened and then blasted off.  This tree is over 60 years old and each Spring dresses itself in bright green leaves once again. It gives me hope!

A panorama from the back of the house.  Looking towards Stromness.

But the sunshine is at the front of the house (it faces South this side) so Button and the hens spend their time here, of course!

The sun has moved round now and the days are shorter.

You can see how the sun has moved across the sky from mid-summer (One I shared in July/August). Sunset in summer is the Sun in the middle.  Now we are heading to Winter and the sun has moved further left (OK I know it's the Earth that's rotating but you know what I mean!).

Remember the story of The Princess & the Pea?  Hmm I think this is Button re-enacting it!  On rainy days she's curled up on the sofa.  As you can see the house is till in disarray and I'm awaiting the finishing touches to the room before the new carpet can be put down and I can get all the furniture and bits and pieces sorted.  Both Button and I are a bit fed up with it all now.  But we will have a cosy Winter! (We hope!).

But she will find the sunshine, come what may and moves around the house accordingly....


  1. Cats aren't daft, are they ~ they can always find the best spots for a snooze! Love your hens, Sian ~ we had some Black Rocks and a couple of Dominique bantams at our old house and I loved my feathery little friends :)

    1. I just love watching hens. Very therapeutic. And no cats are most certainly NOT daft..!

  2. A joy to see the hens. We have just got some six Black Rocks which are starting to settle in.

    1. Oooh how wonderful. Are they young? Hopefully you get some eggs through the winter. Most of mine stop till the Spring but I'm getting 2 to 3 eggs a day which is plenty for me!

  3. Lovely to see the October photos and the old familiar (to us all now) Hoy Lighthouse. Cheers to Button

    1. Button thanks you for your greetings! I can't believe October is past already. Bring on Spring. Yay!

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  5. I remember seeing the chains holding down M's shed and thought then that the winds must be incredible!

    1. Yip. I do get tired of them, but they are to be expected anytime, particularly from October to April. And if you delay tying down or getting things into shelter they just get blown away or damaged!
