
Saturday 29 December 2018

High tide....

Not quite at the highest point of high tide but getting there.  As you will see, we still have grey skies, and some rain showers, but still NO WIND! And it is very mild, 10 degrees C which is amazing for Orkney at this time of year.  Not that we get much snow or frost, but usually the wind chill factor keeps temperatures down.  Sunrise is still after 9am (9.07) but sunset is getting later by a minute each day and is at 15.23. Yay!

No hunting for shells and treasures today as tide was coming high up the shore.... (I like Winter sunshine as I look tall. Hee hee!)

These 3 birds (shags or cormorants, not sure which) were hanging on till the last minute before they flew off. Obviously wanting a lie in. Well it is the Christmas Holidays...!

Eventually they take flight and join their pals.  You  can see the black heads bobbing in the water....

I set off a flock of curlews as I approached the pier....

The aforementioned pier - nearly underwater.....

Low cloud and incoming rain....  The sheep stay out all year, but the cattle have been taken off the fields now as they make quite a mess of the land and damage the grass for next year.

The grass reclaims the old buildings....

Definitely rain coming in...

The old Manse on the hill with the main road below it....

No shells today but some treasures from another day.....

Meanwhile in the garden one of my benches has been colonised by several varieties of lichens...

The stone dyke (wall) too. They are just gorgeous.

A positive forest of lichen.....

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