
Saturday 26 January 2019

Calm day.....

These pictures were taken a couple of weeks ago now when there were a few calm days -  the wind is building up again as I type, with drizzly rain all day and low grey skies.  Ah well.  I'm snug indoors so I won't complain.  But here is a reminder for me of the other week.

Above, Sandside Bay with the tide going out.  Smoke drifts between the Hoy hills and Graemsay, and grey clouds hang over the hill.

Down on the coral beach the seaweed sways gently in the receding tide.

Landscape - with Cat.  The old stone pier at Sandside with Button sitting atop.

She is only content when she is the centre of attention.... of course....

Meanwhile in the garden the hellibores are (or were - there's been a storm, sigh) beginning to flower....

The hens are enjoying the calm and dry spell too.....

One of the hens has been living a little too al-fresco and I was concerned she wasn't seeking shelter with the others in the hen house at night.  So I waited till dusk when all the hens would be roosting to check.  Fortunately they were all present and correct!

And across the water the lights are on in Stromness (sorry very grainy photo as it was my phone camera but you get the gist...)

And then I went home to photograph my treasures from the beach.  Some Maerl (cold water coral) as well as two groatie buckie (tiny cowrie shells)

And then Madam Button came in after a hunting expedition..... I said she had to clean her paws before she was sleeping on MY bed again!!


  1. I've just found your blog and am enjoying going backwards and reading old posts. I'm amazed how you have adapted to such a different life.

  2. Hi VC. Welcome! Hope you enjoy the read. And thanks for taking the time to comment!

  3. The cat looks pretty sitting on the wall in your photo and good to see the hens are safely sleeping inside.

    1. She's very photogenic - as is the scenery! LOL!

  4. Just read that the Orkney's are the UK's best place to live but you knew that. Would the hen be safe out at night, are there foxes on the island?

    1. No foxes in Orkney. No other predators. Unless you count otters (which do take eggs). But I'd be concerned she was getting wet and cold. In the summer she decided to live under a tree and she was well sheltered. Not so in Winter!

  5. Love reading your blog as always. Hope to visit again soon.

    1. Hope you are able to!! And thanks for the comments :-)
