
Monday 28 January 2019


I rarely see a sunrise except in Winter in Orkney!  On the shortest day the sun rises about 9am, and continues to rise a minute or two later a day for a few days after.  But now towards the end of January sunrise is at 8.29 (well tomorrow it is!). So it's getting a little earlier every day. Yay! 

Sunset is getting later.  Again around the shortest day sunset is not long after 3pm and it's dark by 4.  But now sunset is at 4.25  pm tomorrow.  The days are getting longer. YAY!

Anyway last week there was a lovely sunset that I captured out the front door.  It would have been even more spectacular over the other side of the hill but you will have to imagine that....

The colours were changing over the minutes....

And the sky over the Hoy hills was ethereal as it turned pinky grey......