
Monday 25 February 2019

Sunday wander with the girls...

OK I know you are reading this on Monday, but really, I took these photos Sunday.... It was a lovely calm day and the tide was in.  Sat in the garden with the hens, before wandering to the shore with Button.

The old stone pier disappearing under the tide...

Button with a rather manic look as she'd just had a roll in the shell sand - she's covered in it.  One of her favourite activities!

Last summer's sea pinks dried in the salt and the wind but still hanging on!

Here comes the Hamnavoe ferry...

Heading into Stromness

No I'm not morphing into the beach.... I'm paddling! Honest!

See.... or rather...sea....

Heading back now..... a window into the past....

The old Hay Loft - what's left of the loft....

In the garden the pulmonaria (lung wort) is in flower.

And the girls are enjoying being in the garden, nibbling the grass and scratching about in the earth.

This old girl is over 8 years old!  Long past laying eggs now but she still enjoys pottering around with the flock.  She's a Light Sussex hen.

Go girls - saves me mowing the grass.....maybe....

I love the markings on this hen.  She is a cross between a Light Sussex and a brown (breed unknown) cockerel.

This hen's feathers look as if they are lace

You've heard of getting your ducks in a row... well I'm trying it with hens...


  1. The weather has been beautiful hasn't it? Looks like you are enjoying it! I love looking at all the lovely old ruins as there are none here. Do you ever get lonely living somewhere so remote?

    1. Oooh wish that weather would return! We seem to have winter with winds, hail, heavy rain etc. And it's so COLD! Neither Button nor I have been out for a wander for over a week.

  2. A joy to meet the girls, we have six black rock hens which we are enjoying.

    1. Hens are such characters and lovely to watch. I'd love some black rocks but until the numbers reduce (naturally!) I won't get any more.

  3. What a beautiful place you live! How blessed you are! Thanks for sharing the hens with us - such beautiful creatures!

    1. Yes I am so fortunate to live here! Glad you enjoyed seeing my girls.
