
Monday 1 July 2019

Back in May..... around Fort William

Yes I know it is the first day of July but thought blog readers might like to see a different landscape for a change!  So back to Fort William where I spent a few days in May.

First up - a trip on a "Gondola", no not the kind in Venice.  This was a former ski lift at the Nevis Mountain range.  It goes up to 650m and isn't the top of the mountain range. (The highest point in Orkney is Ward Hill on Hoy which is about 481m).

The Gondola is on the north face of Aonach Mor (8th highest mountain in Britain).  It's used now by mountain bikers, and hikers, as well as tourists like myself who just like to take in the view!

When we got to the top Anne set off to explore the view points and I said I'd wait in the cafe as my lung capacity isn't great and I wasn't sure how I'd be that high up with oxygen levels.  It was at that point it started to snow!  I found myself wheezing and rather than hang around I got back in the Gondola and went back to sea level to the cafe there!

Regular readers of my blog will remember previous holidays where I've had various "accidents" and have had to send a message to Anne along the lines of "Don't panic but...."  This time I didn't want to spoil her wanderings so just got in the gondala lift and then phoned her and said "REALLY don't panic, I am fine, and heading down to the cafe on ground level".  Bless her she was somewhat alarmed but reassured that I was still breathing and speaking coherently (for me anyway - haha!) and spent some time wandering about before heading down to join me.  Meanwhile I had tea and cake in the cafe and read a book while surreptitiously observing other tourists. Love people watching!

I did get some quick snaps while on the mountain......

Hmm Ben Nevis (or The Ben as it is called locally) is supposed to be in the clouds there somewhere!

The mountain bike path down the mountain (taken from the Gondola hence reflection)

Complete with mountain biker!

On the way down.... snowing!

A gondola on the way up...

Snow capped mountains...

Lochs in the distance...

Earlier in the day we had been for a cruise on Loch Linnhe run by Crannog Cruises.  It was a driech morning, with fine rain.  But it did clear up a little on the cruise.  The commentary was really interesting with info about wildlife (seals, eagles), the local economy, and social history.

The lines you can see in the water are for mussels - they grow on ropes and are then harvested.  In cloud in the background is Ben Nevis!

Atmospheric scenery!

Another shot of the mussel beds...

The dark island in the foreground is covered in seals... Photos are not great as I only used my phone camera due to persistent drizzle!


  1. Very interesting. I bet its an exciting cycle ride back down the mountain, I dont think I would be up to that though. It's amazing what there is to do in Fort William.

    1. Yes it's a thriving area with lots of outdoor activities. I'd love to go downhill on a bike but having watched the challenges of some of them and also read of some of the injuries I will just do it in my imagination. Haha!

  2. I'm no good with heights but can manage the gondola ok which is odd. Think its because there are trees below so I don't feel that high off the ground. Just NEVER again will I try the one over the Thames or the one at Matlock. Not sure why I ever thought those were a good idea.
    Beautiful photos though. I love seeing the mountain bikers below the gondolas. Wish I was young (and brave) again!

    1. I LOVE heights, which is odd as I'm so short. Haha! OOoh yes love the one over the Thames, and going up high buildings especially if they are open at the top. I'd love to be on a mountain top too but my lungs most definitely would not!

  3. High buildings only if they are closed at the top!! Flights - not by a window! Not quite sure how I managed the Barra beach landing but the views were so spectacular I forgot to be frightened!

  4. Lovely images but the thought of going in one of those gondolas makes me nervous. I would have enjoyed the cruise though.
