
Saturday 20 July 2019

The new Balfour Hospital

As you know I had a short spell as an inpatient in the local hospital in Kirkwall.  It was the NEW hospital and had only been open about a month.  The facilities are great and a huge improvement on our old hospital.  We are SO lucky to have been able to have a new one built for Orkney.  Below is a short YouTube tour of some parts of it before it was opened.

All patient rooms are now single rooms, apart from the day surgery which has 6 beds in a ward.  Single rooms are much better as they reduce the risk of infection (each room is deep cleaned after patient is discharged).  I loved my single room with ensuite shower-room, tv, wifi AND I could control the temperature in the room myself AND open windows!  The bed could be electronically adjusted by patient or nurses alike for the greatest comfort.  The staff of course are the same wonderful staff as in the previous hospital.  They too are getting used to new ways of working and finding their way around.  I think some folk find the single rooms a bit lonely as they like company, but for me, when I'm poorly I prefer the privacy and quiet of my own room. The food is cooked on the premises - it was OK!  And while I have no wish to return any time soon it is great to know that such modern facilities are now available in Orkney.  And remember in the UK the NHS (National Health system) is FREE at the point of delivery.  And I will fight to the last for that to continue!


  1. The new Balfour looks fab ~ well, as fab as hospitals can ever be considering we only tend to be in them when we are poorly! Adrian (hubby) has had a bit of a result regarding hospitals. He is waiting for a knee op (fairly routine, hopefully just "cleaning" the joint) and was, of course, due to go to Aberdeen. He had a phone call from the Balfour a few days ago to say that due to the long waiting list in Aberdeen he will now be able to have said op here at the Balfour ~ much better than having to trek over to the mainland!

  2. Wow Excellent! So pleased for Adrian. MUCH better than Aberdeen where they still have wards etc. Lower risk of infection. And so much better being nearer "home". Hope it all goes well.

  3. What a wonderful facility. I hope you won't have much use for it in future though...
