
Sunday 4 August 2019

Back to sunshine.....

The sun came out after the mist, of course.  Though we had a couple of grey days first.  But it was great to get some fresh air (the mist made everything very muggy and humid) and to see the landscape again.

Waiting for the boat to town.  Lovely calm seas....

Cattle enjoying grazing....

I love the reflection of the lighthouse....

And here comes the boat....

Meanwhile the plants (and "weeds" alike have loved the humid damp days of mist.  Everything is looking abundant....

I love the drops of moisture from the mist on the leaves of the verbascum

Hardy geraniums doing well....

Malva is covered in an abundance of flowers....

First year for the sidalcea which is also doing well.  Though probably needs some support next year...

One of the daisy family and it's huge!  Delighted with this...

Monks hood, lovage, monkey flower and more of the above yellow daisies....

Penstemon - planted this year.... hoping it likes this location!

And a late Allium.  Love this one.

And of course the farmers are keen to get on with summer work, cutting fields of grass for silage and hay.  The mist does them no favours at all.  But once the sun shines there is the sound of tractors and machinery in the fields once again.


  1. I loved the reflection of the light-house too. You have a great variety in your garden, some of which I had never come across before, certainly not a white Malva. I used to have similar Alliums but the snow got them one year.

    Thanks for posting your pictures.

  2. I just found your blog, I love your photographs of that beautiful island, the sea, sky, flowers and mist. It must be a peaceful place to live.
