
Sunday 27 October 2019

Conversing with seals....

OK it was a one side conversation, but still..... These photos were taken a couple of weeks ago when Button and I took a wander down to the shore.  There was a time the seals would be on the shore almost every day but they are rarely seen on the beach at Sandside now.  There has been a big decline in seal numbers in recent years which may account for that, or it may be they have changed their preferred spot.

Anyway it was a delight to see them on the coral beach and watch them play fighting in the water.  Unfortunately I only had my phone camera with me so they aren't the best pictures...but you get the idea!

And for once they seemed quite happy with my presence.  I just sat quietly watching them with Button.... she was perplexed by their presence.  Curious but not really wanting to get too close (wise cat!).

Seals (or Selkies as they are known in legend) are a favourite of mine.  When we came to view property in Orkney I so wanted to see seals.  Not one the whole time.  When we came to the island to look at the house I was quite apprehensive about the thought of living on such a small island.  But there on the beach were at least half a dozen seals.  We did a deal on Sandside there and then. Hee hee...

Above you can see them on the rocks.  Stromness in the background.

Creels on the old pier, and seals....

These are geeze in the background, not seals.  But they are all swimming in a line!

Button has just spotted the seals....

Leading the way to investigage..... (you can see them on the rocks...)

We both sat on the pier watching them...

And she stayed on the beach while I had to return to work!

Clouds over Hoy....

Sandside bay

Silage bales ready for winter feed for cattle and sheep. Cattle up on the hill.

And here is a short video of the seals, and a couple play fighting.....

Friday 25 October 2019

Autumnal days.....

It's definitely "Autumn" in Orkney.  Very changeable weather (well, more changeable than usual), and lots of wind and rain. But there have been blue skies and calm seas too.  So these photos are from the last week.... 

Above photo is the view one morning across Sandside bay.  Hoy has disappeared.  But earlier in the week.....

And then today......

At this time of years the windows wear a layer of salt, plus fragments of foilage! Now and again a heavy shower without a gale will wash them clean and I can see the view properly again...

The willows taking a battering today....

The Hoy Sound is actually fairly sheltered compared to the rest of the West coast of Orkney but the white horses were fairly dancing atop the waves today (blurry photo through window - you think I'm going out in THAT to take a photo?  Well I had been out to feed the hens, but still...)

But as I said there was sunshine...

Blue sea across to Stromness

And a quick visit to Stromness yesterday.....

Just a normal day in town....  I was a bit concerned it was a Viking press gang!  Seemingly they travel by bus these days rather than longship... hee hee...

And some randomness with Halloween approaching...

Button makes the best of sunny window days..... doesn't look the most comfortable position it has to be said!

And a lovely sunset (17.40 now - the days are REALLY getting shorter!).

Sunday 13 October 2019

Lovely morning for a sail.....

I'd been over to the Orkney Mainland on Saturday and stayed with friends overnight after a lovely meal out at a local restaurant in Kirkwall (The Lynnfield).  Anyway that meant a sail on the ferry home at 9.30.  It was a glorious morning. No wind, and a highish tide providing wonderful reflections.  Above is the harbour in Stromness.

Below, one of the dive boats sailing out of the harbour....

Looking West where a bank of cloud is coming in - the West Mainland of Orkney.

Hoy Low lighthouse on Graemsay, with the remains of the WWII gun emplacement.

And a slightly more atmospheric photo of Hoy Low from further offshore.....

Having stopped off at Moaness on Hoy to let some of the walkers and locals disembark, we then headed for Graemsay....

Ward hill looking magnifence with the sun playing on the heathery summit

The valley that leads through to Rackwick.

Ward hill is really a snoozing dragon.....

Hoy - it means high island and has the highest hills and cliffs in Orkney. Actually over on the other side of Hoy, St John's Head has the highest cliffs in the UK I think....

And heading to the Graemsay pier and Hoy High light, with Stromness in the background.

One of the creel fishing boats....

Fishing boat with the wee house at Clett, on Graemsay, in the background.

Getting closer....

That was a lovely way to spend 45 minutes on a Sunday morning I think you will agree.

Sunday 6 October 2019

October evening.

I've had problems getting photos from my phone onto my laptop, hence the lack of posts the last week or so.  I have narrowly avoided throwing said laptop out the window and seem to have persuaded it to accept a few photos today, so I'll take that!  So here are a few pictures from Friday night, which was a lovely mild, sunny, calm dry day.  Many farmers in Orkney were getting the last of the harvest in before the bad weather this weekend - gales.... well it is October.  Anyway - the calm before the storm...

Another view of the lighthouse....

The more conventional view again.... backlit by clouds.

The old buildings and Stromness in the background...

Button was out hunting for mice!

Hmmm her witches cat pose..... bit early for Halloween...

I love the sun on the sandstone, it gives it a lovely warm glow....

And I had chance to cut the grass too as it was such a lovely evening!

Hopefully back soon with some more photos..... if not you will hear me scream across the internet!


I love rainbows, and we get quite a few at this time of year! I was so busy taking photos of this particular rainbow I forgot that the rain was headed in my direction!  I had to do a brisk walk to shelter in the hen house!

But there was sunshine too of course..... and blue skies....