
Friday 25 October 2019

Autumnal days.....

It's definitely "Autumn" in Orkney.  Very changeable weather (well, more changeable than usual), and lots of wind and rain. But there have been blue skies and calm seas too.  So these photos are from the last week.... 

Above photo is the view one morning across Sandside bay.  Hoy has disappeared.  But earlier in the week.....

And then today......

At this time of years the windows wear a layer of salt, plus fragments of foilage! Now and again a heavy shower without a gale will wash them clean and I can see the view properly again...

The willows taking a battering today....

The Hoy Sound is actually fairly sheltered compared to the rest of the West coast of Orkney but the white horses were fairly dancing atop the waves today (blurry photo through window - you think I'm going out in THAT to take a photo?  Well I had been out to feed the hens, but still...)

But as I said there was sunshine...

Blue sea across to Stromness

And a quick visit to Stromness yesterday.....

Just a normal day in town....  I was a bit concerned it was a Viking press gang!  Seemingly they travel by bus these days rather than longship... hee hee...

And some randomness with Halloween approaching...

Button makes the best of sunny window days..... doesn't look the most comfortable position it has to be said!

And a lovely sunset (17.40 now - the days are REALLY getting shorter!).


  1. but we still wouldn't want to be anywhere else, eh Sian!

  2. Hi!..I live in tropical island and I love to see and share too!..(I speak spanish and my english is not well, sorry for it.... but thanks for sharing thats beautiful pics)...God Bless!..Hugs!!

    1. Hi Vanessa, lovely to har from you. Don't apologise for your English - I can't speak any other language so applaud anyone who does. I've added you to my blog roll at the side - I love seeing other places people live. A tropical island sounds very appealing on this cold and wet October day!

  3. In this weather you often get amazing lighting effects when the sun breaks through as in your 8th picture. There is something good about being inside warm and snug when its weather like this.

    1. Oh absolutely! I have a love hate relationship with Autumn/Winter but there are some spectacular skies during that period and it makes me enjoy the long summer days even more!
