
Saturday 30 November 2019

Rainbows, Orcas, and eggs....

Today has been a lovely day.  Firstly this morning while out feeding the hens and Charlie the barn cat, I spotted this lovely rainbow.  Actually it's a bit special (more special than usual) as it's a double rainbow, with a branch or light pillar off the inner bow.

Maybe you can see it better in this photo.

And looking across Hoy Sound to Warbeth.

Then this afternoon a pod of Orca swam past the house!  I watched through binoculars not even attempting to take photos, but local chap and photographer Graham Campbell took these gorgeous photos and kindly said I could use them.

This photo is of them swimming past Sandside Bay on Graemsay

Courtesy of Graham Campbell

Further along the shore.....

Courtesy of Graham Campbell

Courtesy of Graham Campbell

And this photo is amazing - what a view the folk on this yacht got!  Hoy Low Lighthouse on Graemsay in the photo too.

Courtesy of Graham Campbell

And to end the day I found two eggs in the nest box.  Had thought the sole hen that is laying now had finished for winter (they do this once the light levels get low, unless they are young hens then they keep laying).  But she maybe took a break for a day or two and is still laying.  Maybe.....

A lovely way to end November anyway!! 


  1. Fresh eggs and a pod of Orcas, as you say a wonderful way to end November.

  2. My word, you were certainly blessed weren't you? It would seem unreal to me knowing that there were Orca nearby.

    1. And marvellous pictures of the rainbow too!

    2. Yes it is wonderful to live surrounded by such an abundance of nature that's for certain!

  3. Wow how cool to see the whales!!!
    A beautiful rainbow too.

    1. It was a special day that's for certain.

  4. I marvel at your wonderful weather and your magical life.

    1. I try to remember it is extra special too....

  5. Wonderful photos. How lucky to see the orcas!

    1. I know! They are fairly frequent in our waters but of course can be quite elusive....
