
Thursday 26 December 2019

Christmas morning walk....

As I've said before I don't celebrate Christmas, but love a Winter festival and always go for at least one wander to the shore on the 25th before munching my way through goodies, and joining folk for further celebrations.

It was a surprisingly mild, calm day....

Looking across the bay

Looking over to the West Mainland....


Button of course comes for a morning walk too....

She got her present earlier from her feline friends South.  High grade catnip.  Sends her absolutely bonkers for about 20 mins, then she has to have a nap to sleep off the effects!

Look at that glazed expression!

One of my Christmas presents was a coaster that says "If it's exactly the way I want it, I'm totally flexible!"  Yup that's Button.... even caught here expression. Haha!  Mmmm though to be honest I am probably like that too - hee hee...

The hens have been enjoying the benign weather too, soaking up the sun (though keeping their feet warm too as we have had some early frosty mornings..)

Morning outside the henny house!

And some photos after having played with some filters.  I think they are quite atmospheric harking to times past...

Hope you had a calm and peaceful time whatever you did and wherever you are....


  1. The light was good, great pictures.

    1. Thanks. It was lovely in the morning. Duller in the afternoon.
