
Tuesday 31 December 2019

Hogmanay/New Year's Eve walk

It was a lovely calm day today with sun shining so I took a wander down to the shore with Button. The forecast for the next few days is pretty windy so we made the most of the benign weather! 

Today is Hogmanay (in Scotland) or New Year's Eve everywhere else!  I love the turning of the year though am more likely to be found curled up with Button and a book than out partying these days.  Though folk will be out and about on the island "first footing" over the next few days.

At the top of the track leading to the old lighthouse pier

Looking across to Stromness

Creels on the old pier

Old wheel - not sure what from with the serrated rim!

Looking across to the West Mainland

Tide is coming in....

I love Winter when I can pretend I am as tall as my shadow...

Looking to the West side of Graemsay across the pier, Hoy Hills in the background.

A Shag or Cormorant 

Madam Button

The incoming tide hiding the rocks in the shallows....

Seaweed on the shore...

Wishing you and yours a wonderful and healthy 2020!