
Wednesday 29 January 2020

Dreich day.....

And keeping it real... some days are dreich (dreary, bleak) and visibility is poor.......

The Orkney Mainland has disappeared!  The green box is the Graemsay telephone exchange, there is a microwave link on the top of that pole which receives a signal from the Stromness exchange and converts it to whatever it needs in the Big Green Box.....  we have pretty good broadband speed on the island.  I get nearly 7 mb/sec.


  1. We are having days like that here is Pittsburgh. The news is saying the sun will be this afternoon but I will not believe it until I see it.

    1. Hope you got some sunshine in the end! What are winters like in Pittsburgh? In Orkney they are characterised by grey skies, wind and rain, little frost and rarely do we get snow. Thankfully temperatures rarely drop below freezing.

  2. Same dreich weather down here in Ayr, though I think we're going to be spared the snow. Hope you are too.

  3. All very "closed in" but looks quite comforting to me rather than claustrophobic. Sometimes the outside world is best to be shut out.

    1. If can be quite cosy and comforting, but some days I want to push the mist aside and see the big skies again. But then it helps me appreciate the big skies more when they disappear!
