
Sunday 5 April 2020

And here we are still....

Sandside Bay
Yes still in Lockdown.... the new "normal".  Though farming life goes on and lambs and calves are being born on the island.

Most of us are self isolating and not leaving the island.  I got my "shielding" letter this week, which I was expecting due to severe asthma.  I'm not supposed to leave the house or garden, though I think on Graemsay I can wander down to the shore as long as no one else around.  But fear not, I have no intention of taking any chances and messing things up for myself OR anyone else.

Folk on the island are helping each other out and I'm getting deliveries from local shops and these are dropped off in my car outside.  Then brought into the porch, washed and brought into the house.  I will be OCD by the time I've finished with this!! 

Other than that my week has been "normal" as I work from home anyway.  The weather has been changeable (even for Orkney).  We had the "lambing snow" at the end of last week.  It didn't settle but was very cold and windy.  Yesterday was better, today a little chilly again.  But there are days when the sun shines and plants are popping through the soil again....

So here are some pix from this week...

Ewes and sheep in the old "Stack yard" (where the hay stacks used to be stored). This gives them some shelter for a day or two till the lambs are acclimatised a bit and then they are moved to a bigger field with the other ewes and lambs.

Willows with catkins... and new leaves, new life bursting through.

I started clearing the debris around the garden as new growth comes through.  Helped by the girls of course!!

And Charlie the barn cat finds another spot to bask in the sun and snooze.....

And I've stared planting up some seeds.  These are salad leaves, cut and come again.  Could be tricky getting salad stuff this summer so will grow more than normal I think.  Always nice to pick fresh anyway!

And That Letter - Stay at home for 12 weeks.  I can do that.... it will be challenging but.... I can do it!

And this view helps soothe my mind.....

And I have plenty of tea..... um..... I hit the wrong option when ordering tea bags.... It was accidental - honest!

And here are a few daffs from the garden, cheery flowers despite being battered by the gales....  They bring a smile to my face when I look at them....

Stay safe and well, wherever you are....


  1. I imagine there are many who would like to be on a small island somewhere these days. The new normal here in Texas has us all 'sheltering at home' with everything but essential businesses closed. Those of us in our 70's plus are following the guidelines, but some seem more worried about the economy than their health. However, somehow the world will get through this... and hopefully learn some important lessons. Stay home and stay safe!

    1. Oh I do hope we learn some lessons as a society. Please? Stay safe and well!

  2. LOL that you accidentally ordered 1040 tea bags! I can identify completely. We are all distracted right now. All the best from NYS in the USA. Thanks for the lovely photos. Life does go on.

    1. Yes life goes on in many ways..... strange times!

  3. At an average of three cups a day, they won't even last a year!

    1. To be honest, I usually order a 6 months of a premium brand which was unavailable, so I didn't baulk at the price and yes, likely to last a year...if that! Ha!

  4. Quite right if all else fails make a cup of tea. Glad you are safe and well. Take care.

  5. Well, as a Yorkshire person, you have the right teabags to see you through any crisis! I wish I was there with you (though to be honest, you might not like my choice of music, so maybe that wouldn't be ideal). Anyway, I do hope you can still keep getting your essentials - and preferably some treats too - and that the weather is kind to you. I feel so sorry for people stuck in flats or houses with tiny gardens; it must be very difficult for them!

    1. I love Yorkshire tea! My music taste is fairly jazz, classical, pop.... well pop up to about 1990 hee hee... oh yes treats and supplies forthcoming. And gawd yes I have a friend who lives in a flat and has to go out each day, though she does have access to plenty of green space.

  6. Running out of tea bags and milk is our fear. Its always nice to see neighbours and how nice it is that people offer to drop groceries off if you need them. Our village hall has become a help centre for those that need it. I'm glad we dont live in a city anymore.
    We were going to do the North Coast 500 this May and when we got to Thurso getting the ferry over, but thats not going to happen now, but there is always next year. Hopefully it wont be 12 weeks of lock down, I think once we get to the end of April providing the death rate has peaked it will be reviewed. They will have to devise an exit strategy.

    1. Yes cities are inhospitable places even more so now.... Shame about the North Coast 500, but hopefully next year!! And yes hopefully there will be a reprieve for some at least soon. On medical grounds I'm advised to stay isolated for as long as possible. But that's fine, with Spring and Summer to look forward to in the garden....

  7. I enjoy your blog so much. I am glad you are well and getting the provisions you need safely. I hope the 12 weeks are not that long. We are in our third week of self isolating here and promised more until the end of April. No lambs or Button to entertain here and no green. We won't be rid of snow until May. Thank you.

    1. So pleased you enjoy my blog! I sometimes wonder about carrying on as it becomes repetitive but I think at this time we all need calming photos! Snow till May - eek!!! We had snow showers at the weekend but we rarely get snow that settles.

  8. Love those lambs! Thanks for the Orkney update, Sian. I listen to Radio Orkney regularly, too. Technology is amazing (when it isn't maddening)! Take care, keep safe, wash your hands! xx Louise

    1. Hope you are doing OK too!! Take care xx

  9. I stumbled upon your blog quite by accident, I find it interesting that you’re on lockdown too, “way up there.” I enjoyed reading your blog. I am in Southern California, also in lockdown. Happy Easter, if you celebrate that.

    1. Yes sadly even here we have COVID-19 cases and one death so far. Many folk in Orkney regularly need to travel to Mainland Scotland for business. And of course travel further afield for holidays etc. Nowhere is immune sadly.
