
Wednesday 15 April 2020

View from the window....

The weather isn't that conducive to getting out and about even to the garden.  So I'm mostly indoors apart from feeding the hens and Charlie the barn cat.

I'm still working nearly full time, but, like many others, I struggle to do much in "downtime".  Despite calls to "be creative" or other more productive strategies, I mumble about through a day off.  Though I have done a bit of gardening and some domestics.  However for me that is OK.  My body feels on high alert - survival strategy prepared for attack from the bears and wolves that Button tells me probably lurk in the shrubbery.  I know I am safe (as long as I don't have contact with anyone and spend hours washing shopping, mail etc! Ha!).  But still these are strange times and many people including friends and family are on the front line and in danger.  So we all have to get through this as best we can.  Which is a long winded way of saying don't expect daily posts or an increase in activity on my blog. Hahahaha! 

Back to photos..... changing weather windows.  Catkins on the willow trees, daffodils in bloom.

Meanwhile in the garden this delicate star shaped flowers bloom...

And the first cut of the grass in the garden.  I love the lichen on the wall.  The tree leaning against the wall is probably well over 80 years old - an Elder tree (appropriately enough).

I made sure I wouldn't run out of chocolate.....

Meanwhile Button suggests I just "be more cat" and sleep through it all..... wish I could..... I usually sleep pretty well, but find myself waking up often during the night time now...... ah strange times indeed.  Stay safe and well!

PS - yes sadly COVID-19 is in Orkney, 5 confirmed cases so far, though people are only tested if they are hospitalised.  And very sadly one death.  Stay inside folks!


  1. A goodly stash of chocolate there, I suppose there's no point just buying a couple. I suppose you are used to buying in bulk just in case the ferry cant get over. Looking at the weather forecasts down here we have been more fortunate with the weather than you have. Despite not being able to go away the sunshine has made is easier.

    1. To be honest ever since I moved to Graemsay I tend to buy in bulk, either online, or local deliveries. It's always "just in case..." the weather may change, the boat may break down etc. Though I was too late with my 6 monthly toilet roll order!!

      Yes the sunshine makes it easier I think. I'm looking forward to adventures next year (please let this be over by then!!)

      And if you visit Orkney we must meet up!

  2. Only 5 confirmed cases on the Western Isles thus far. I smiled at the stash of chocolate we usually bulk buy most things to save going over to town but we are only allowed a few items at a time now. Take care and stay safe.

    1. We have 7 now, and sadly two deaths. Yes I generally buy in bulk, often online. Missed out on my 6 month order of toilet rolls though!

  3. Absolutely beautiful pictures! I am living right now also on an island and we are staying put even though our county has only 5 cases and no deaths. Stay safe. 💖

    1. Staying put sounds a very good plan. These are difficult times and I've just popped over to your blog and seen you and your family are having a particularly difficult time right now. Condolences and thinking of you.

  4. Greetings from metropolitan New York. Our suburban county has had only 209 deaths as of yesterday, 4/14. Mentally and emotionally, I feel as you do--on high alert. Strange times, indeed, and your lovely photos help us get through it. Flash the black cat and I am wishing you and Button all the best.

    1. Hallo Flash! I love black cats... (shh don't tell Button). Yes it gets wearying being on high alert and although I do lots to try and calm myself it can still be challenging.

  5. I love your blog, but you are kidding about the bears and wolves! Right :-)

  6. From a locked down tiny Irish island... Stay safe as I am doing. It is no hardship to me as this is how I always live perforce and by choice .
