
Tuesday 23 June 2020

Hens, sun and garden

Wonderful cloud over the Hoy hills.....  and again below disappearing into the mist!

And then Hoy disappears completely.... as does half of Graemsay!

And Hoy High lighthouse disappears into the mist.... (no foghorn fortunately for me as a neighbour...)

But earlier in the day the sun had shone on our wee island....

And a lovely ethereal sunset....

Yeah I know, the windows need cleaning... but lovely to watch the sunset anyway...

The girls just hanging about..... they often do this when the grass is very wet, they like somewhere dry to preen and rest...

As no one was answering the back door they thought they would try the front door!

Tallulah!  (So named as her top knot of feathers reminds me of a showgirl in a speakeasy in the US movies!)

Hmmmmm cheeky hens!  That's MY bench....

OK it's Button's bench and she lets me use it sometimes...

Button AND the hens enjoying the sun......

And the girls enjoying some sunbathing together....

And of course the hens inspect the garden - excellent pest control!

Talking of pest control.....sigh.... this was taken a few weeks ago - the broad beans just coming through. Button was telling me I needed to get watering them as they looked a little dry.  And I'd been wondering why the radishes were slow to grow (she's standing om them...)

This border has done well this year. Love the lupins!!

Aquilegia (Columbines) and yellow Welsh poppies...

Button and Charlie (barn cat), hens and garden as well as walks to the shore and sunsets have been my solace these last 3 months of lockdown.  Restrictions are easing in Scotland now (slower than England I am happy to say), but as I am shielding I still am advised to stay home with daily walks when possible until the end of July.  Some days that is easy to deal with, others not.  But I'm very fortunate to be living here, and I am safe and well so I have a lot to be grateful for.  Stay safe folks, wherever you are.


  1. We are shielding so it is nice to start a daily walk. A joy to get a glimpse of your beautiful Island.

  2. I do wonder if England is rushing the easing of the restrictions just to get the economy moving again. Whilst I'm all for getting back to normal I dont want a second spike that puts us back to square one. Personally lockdown has been ok for us , me especially, as I can go cycling with friends.
    I think you are in a good place and with the good weather you can go for walks safely.

  3. Apparently a second wave is expected, it always happened in the past epidemics.
    Thank you for the beautiful pictures, you are lucky to be living there...I can only dream about such a place!

  4. Still cocooning out here on my small Irish island but as I have no immune system this is my normal lifestyle anyways and I can walk alone in the very early quiet hours. We are almost clear of covid now in Ireland but still cocooning ( shielding to you!) Ireland is opening gradually and the same worry that financial aspects may cause a great

  5. Looks like a lovely life! Here in Edinburgh, the streets are getting busier - just hope it's not all too early.

  6. I'm being very cautious too, Sian. Really not anxious to get out in the thick of things. No new cases here for 14 days, so good news there, but we still have to be careful. I love to see your chickens, and of course, Button.

  7. Glorious photos! Thank you. Don't rush out of lockdown. In the US, the states that have rushed out of lockdown are now paying the price. Personally, I'm in no hurry.
