
Friday 5 June 2020

Um... it's June....

..... which if the song were true should be bustin' out all over - reference to song from the musical Carousel there. And life feels a bit like being on a carousel at the moment, dizzy from going round and round in the same space, with ups and downs along the way. Ho Hum.  But we all continue to remain well on the island so that is really good news.  Scotland is being more cautious in coming out of the Covid-19 lockdown than in England and I think most people are happy with that.  There was another confirmed case in Orkney last week, but so far only 8 cases, though sadly two deaths. 

But on a much brighter note last weekend was gorgeous, so warm, well hot even! OK, probably only 18 degrees C, though in the walled garden it was in the low 20s C. When gardening I had to work on the north facing border as it slowly went into the shade!  The hens joined in too of course....

These two sisters are about 9 years old now.  One is nearly blind and rarely ventures far but if her sibling is around she will go with her for a wander to the garden.....

Last Sunday I was quite concerned about Button.  She wasn't her usual self and slept for 12 hours solid.  She did eat a little food if I brought it to her, but she wasn't interested in doing anything at all.  Thankfully she brightened up in the evening.  She wouldn't let me stroke her back or back legs so I think she may have injured herself.  No bites - though vet thought she may have been in a fight with another cat (and Charlie is the dominant one around these parts).  Anyway thankfully she has recovered almost back to normal now.  She's just not risking jumping about too much, up onto windowsills etc.  Though she is back to her usual vocal self.  A silent Button is a very sad Button.

So I was delighted when on Monday she was happy to get onto the bench to soak up some of the warmth from the sun....

Now this photo looks worse than it is. Haha!

Button decided to go for a bit of a wander as the hens put in an appearance....

Tallulah, the black hen on the right is a very nervous hen and wasn't sure where she wanted to go....  fortunately they soon sorted themselves out....  Button has great respect of hens as they make a lot of noise, have pecky beaks and very sharp claws!  She prefers her chicken on a plate all prepared...

The weather today.... well we have 40 mph Northerly winds which means it is blooming chilly, and rain - though we do need the rain for the garden and the fields.... but it would be nice if we could have it a wee bit warmer.... please.....


  1. Wales too is going along the same lines as Scotland and easing the restrictions gradually. Boris is rushing things to get the economy up and running again.
    Animals are very good at resting up and sleeping when something is not right, so hopefully Button is on the road to a full recovery.

    1. Fortunately she perked up considerably the next day! Yup it seems Westminster are more and more focused on the economy....sigh.
