
Sunday 26 July 2020

And.... back in June....

Midsummer sunset... this pool is lovely for a swim at high tide....

Red admiral butterfly....  there was an "eruption" of these in June, blown in on the East wind I think.  I counted about 20 in the walled garden...

Thrift.... Hoy hills in background...

Misty day.....

Grasses, buttercups and cow parsley....

One of the beautiful things about a misty day is the bejewelled spiders webs


  1. I love midsummer's day, I always think it should be celebrated. Thrift is a favourite flower as it really stands out.

    1. I have mixed feelings about mid-summer - as it's then a gentle slide towards Autumn/Winter.... Spring is my favourite time of the year. But I do celebrate the various seasons...

  2. I love to see the spiders webs on a frosty morning too.

    1. Oh yes I agree - though not much frost in Orkney, nor on Graemsay or at least here as I'm close to the shore so I don't see them as often as I did south.
