
Monday 13 July 2020

Sunsets, garden, hens....and Button

As I said yesterday, I've lost my blogging mojo recently, but hopefully it is returning.  I think it's partly as I'm not leaving the house and environs and not taking so many photos.  Lockdown is easing in Scotland as it is in the rest of the UK, just a slightly different rate.  I am still shielding (cocooning) and have been advised by my GP to continue doing so, despite the likelihood of shielding being paused at the end of July.  I live in paradise so I won't complain. Ha!  But it does feel like I am living in a parallel universe when I hear what other people are doing around the UK.

In Orkney this week pubs and restaurants can now have customers indoors, and the tourist industry is beginning again with visitors arriving.  I'm a bit ambivalent about that to be honest.  I'd have liked Orkney to have done what Guernsey in the Channel Islands has done (I have family there).  They have kept their borders closed, with mandatory isolation for any visitors, and kept up track and trace throughout.  Then they have opened everything up on the island (well with some minor restrictions).  They have had no new cases for several week.  And for islanders life is more or less normal with schools back, folk working, shops open etc.  But Orkney is so dependent on a very short tourist season that I think that is what is driving a different approach here. 

Anyway.... back to photos!!

There have been some gorgeous skies over the last few weeks.

Sun burst!

The March of the WereRabbit.....

Hoy under a duvet....

Evening light...

Tall clouds!

Another sunset...

Amazing clouds...

And the Hamnavoe sailing into Stromness....

The garden has enjoyed the benign weather, some rain, some sun, some warmth.  It seems happy!

Knautia and Welsh poppies in the walled garden...

The shrubbery has gone feral this summer! But the hens love rootling around in there quite happily.

Weigelia doing well this summer too!

One of my fave poppies....


This border has gone a bit frothy!

The Thalictrum has "gone over", but the Ladies Mantle and geranium are doing well, hugging the garden "sculpture".  I love the orange lichen on the wall.

A wee Robin joins me for some gardening.... a tad scruffy, maybe a juvenile? Or Lockdown hair?!

Button likes to see what I am up to in the garden....

Button.... hiding.... erm..... I think there is a flaw in her plan...

Mmmm I wondered why the seeds I planted weren't growing.... a feline chaise longue.....

Morning Button!

Ah..... a Sunday lie in...

A Yole (traditional Orkney sailing boat) sailing back to Stromness.

Hens enjoying a siesta.  I lost one of my hens last week. Pecky Hen. She was about 12 years old and had led a good life, but in recent weeks had gone into a decline.  She had a final week of sun on her back.  I do miss her as she was very cheeky!  Now I am down to 8 yens, most are elderly too, so only about 3 are laying eggs.

A daytime caller!!  I was on a work Zoom call when she popped in.... fortunately audio only not video..... Though I suspect my colleagues would have been more interested in seeing the hen than listening to me!

And finally..... yellow dots to ensure all passengers boarding the MV Graemsay (our local ferry) are social distancing....


  1. Your gardens looking really good. I expect that a lot of work has gone into it. As you say you live in paradise. I like the Yole.
    Yes the blogging mojo does desert us now and again so pleased to read your posts again.

    1. I'm pleased with it this year as I've had more time to spend tending the plants (staking, and ensuring they are not smothered by "weeds" - though my garden is still pretty feral!). I love seeing the Yoles out in the summer.

  2. I'm sorry you lost one of your hens, especially now that you're social circle is limited to those living with you.

    1. Yes I'm always sad when one of the hens goes - they are such individual characters.

  3. More wonderful photos. I do love how green your island is and the colour of the flowers .
    Hope your summer season is fruitful and without casualities!

    1. Yes Graemsay is known as the Green isle! Hmmm we have a summer gale today - not sure how the garden will be after that!

  4. You do indeed live in paradise. (I think it's weigela, without the extra i, but I've noticed that people do tend to call it weigelia. I wonder why? A bit like "mischievIous", that some people say.) Anyway, beautiful pictures.

    1. You are correct it is weigela - I've always added the extra "i" though - no idea where I got THAT from!
