
Saturday 15 August 2020

Of cats and hens... oh and sunsets...


I love watching the sun set in the summer from the conservatory.....

And the sky is always changing....

Looking across to Stromness...

Charlie, the barn cat awaiting breakfast.  He's a very shy boy...

Button loves to snooze in the sun...

Though she retreats indoors when it gets too warm... she's also less likely to be bothered by pesky hens..

One of the aforementioned pesky hens!  Gimpy hen (she limps) in a nesting box. Um... she's not laid an egg for many a year as she's 9 now.  But she still likes to spend an hour or two in a nest box each morning...

Meanwhile someone has been busy in one of the other nests... (well several someone's as they only lay one egg a day...)

And these two decided to go broody together! Though only one is laying eggs....

And the Blackbird parents have been busy - four fledglings to tend to.  All 4 now behaving like teenagers!!

Summer is a busy time (unless you are a well cared for feline....).


  1. You must have plenty of eggs. I have read that during lockdown there was a demand for chickens as more people wanted to try their hand at keeping them. I hope its not a novelty that wears off.
    it must be very relaxing watching the sunsets.

  2. Most of my hens are too old to lay but I get about 2 or 3 a day which is plenty for me! I often pass them onto others. I can't eat them myself, except if they are used in cooking as part of another dish or baking, but I just love having hens about. One of my long held dreams...
