
Sunday 13 September 2020

RIP Charlie Boy....


My sweet, shy barn cat, Charlie Boy, was put to sleep this week.  He was nearly 15 and had been with me for over 12 years.  Originally it was intended he would live in the house with access to outdoors just like Button.  But it became clear he was actually pretty feral.  Although he'd come from a domestic home on the Orkney Mainland it was a home with 30 other cats so the term "domestic" was used loosely!  After a week of him being terrified in the house and me at my wits end, we were both relieved when he made a bolt for an open door.  He then continued to live in the nearby barns and byres, coming for food each morning and slowly trusting me.  He always hated being picked up but would sit somewhere so I could put my arms round him to "cuddle" him,  There were times when all he wanted was breakfast and "please don't touch me" signals were clear.  But usually he waited for me each morning and learned to walk *between* my feet to his feeding station (top of an old barrel).  

He'd been his usual self, though I noticed he was thinner than normal and I had recently wormed him.  Then on Thursday when he came for breakfast it was clear something was very wrong with his stomach - he looked very pregnant!  So he was quickly bundled into a box, carriage arranged on the ferry, and a good friend dropped everything to pick him up and take him to the vets. The vet phoned soon after his arrival and it was as I feared, the prognosis wasn't good and I took the advice of my vet to do the kindest thing.

I am really sad, but he had a good life on his own terms, with plenty of food, cosy places to sleep and a fuss when he wanted.  He had a better life than many humans......  

Button will be celebrating!  Charlie was the dominant cat, I think they had a couple of bad fights where she came off worse, but generally they avoided each other where possible....

RIP my sweet boy, may your spirit run free.....


  1. I’m sorry to read this. RIP Charlie.

  2. I'm sorry. It's hard to put an animal down, but you know when it's the right time. I have a twenty year old cat who takes meds for an over-active thyroid, but even with meds is terribly thin, but she is active and happy. My other had had a stroke so you knew it was time, this cat it's harder, but I think I'll know when it's time. Your other little pud will be happy as you said. Christine

    1. My sister had an elderly cat that had meds for years and did OK. I'm glad I didn't need to do that with Charlie as he was such a shy nervous boy I'm not convinced that would have worked. And yes I think if one is sensitive to animals and their needs, we know when it is time...

  3. Replies
    1. Thank you. I still look for him in the mornings :-(

  4. I’m so sorry to read this about your little friend Charlie. May you have happy memories of giving Charlie a good life.
    I love your blog and wish I could give you a hug.

    1. Aw thank you. Yes I do miss him. He was a dear boy if very nervous. But he had the life he chose and I did my best to make sure he was well fed and with a warm place to sleep.

  5. It's always sad when a loved pet dies. Your memories will live on.

  6. Poor Charlie. He's had a wonderful life with you. Sorry for your loss.

    1. He did well for an outdoor cat, and I tried to do right by him.

  7. And so ends the second most famous Cat in blogging history.

  8. Its always sad when you loose a pet especially after such a long time. But like you I always take comfort in the fact that they have had a good life.

  9. My condolences at the loss of your dear barn cat Charlie. You helped him live a wonderful life. May your good memories console you.

  10. I'm sorry for your loss. Thank you for sharing him with us on your blog.

    1. I'm glad others got to know him too. He was a sweet if shy boy.

  11. Having myself been to that sad place more times than I care to think about, I offer this:

    In Memoriam

    On silent feet, the furry folk arrive,
    Leave paw prints all across my days,
    Scatter catnaps in my sunshine places.
    Oh, how their presence graces me.
    Quicker than a winking eye, as agile as a smile,
    they stalk the pathways of my heart
    And what great emptiness they leave behind
    When it is time for them to go.

    ©2011 The Owl Underground

    1. That's a beautiful poem. Thank you for sharing it with me. Their loss is the price we pay, but they enrich our lives so much while they are here.

  12. I am sorry to read about Charlie. Barn cats are as special as house cats and they are all our babies. Hugs.
