
Saturday 31 October 2020



These photos were taken a week or so ago.  Sadly today we are in the midst of Strom Aidan, winds expected to gust up to 70mph, heavy rain etc for the next couple of days.  In other words a regular Autumn gale for Orkney.  Button is snuggled down, I gave the hens extra food yesterday so they should be OK till tomorrow and will be equally hunkered down, either in the hen house or will have made a dash for the shrubbery!

Today is Samhain/Halloween. Due to the weather there will be no equinox walk for me today.  Sadly there is also no party on the island this year due to Covid-19.  Our Halloween parties are my favourite ( and not just because I get lots of treats!).  But hopefully next year we can have one...  I shall just remind myself of previous years:  2019 and 2018

But back to sunsets....

And a short video so you can get a taste of the atmosphere....

Friday 30 October 2020

October sky and rainbow.....


We have been so lucky to have some really good weather in October.  Gales forecast this weekend but we cannot complain!  I've been able to meet friends outdoors (covid restrictions) and have been grateful for that.  I have also had time to sort out the garden with lifting and transplanting as well as splitting clumps of perennials (with some help from neighbours!).

There have been some lovely blue skies.....

Then there are those rain showers......

And a rainbow - well a double rainbow, seen from different parts of the garden.....

Still not found the pot of gold though!

Sunday 25 October 2020

Old buildings.....


The old buildings beside the house are owned by a neighbouring farmer.  He lets me use one for the hen house, and another to store my mower in.  The others aren't used these days except to store machinery etc.  I love these old buildings.  Some of them were originally dwelling houses and then when they started to fall down or the family grew they were extended or turned into byres and a new house built.  Used a few filters on these pictures....

Button among the buildings...


Byre window....

Sheep wool

Byre door

Slatted window...

Old door...

Inside the byre


Byre door handle....

Nature reclaiming the building

Saturday 24 October 2020

Random with cat.....


A lovely calm day for a wander.....

The calendula are such cheery flowers and go on blooming for ages - till the frost gets them really.  Though mine generally get blackened by the wind....

Now Charlie the Barn Cat is no more, Button can access all areas without fear of challenge.  In the past I was careful when I went out to the barns and byres as if she and Charlie met there would be a stand-off.   He was the dominant cat and a couple of times she needed the attention of a vet.  So I tried to pre-empt any such meetings!  They must have crossed paths when she was out hunting but if I wasn't around I expect she just slunk home again or went in a different direction.  Anyway - Button is enjoying coming out and exploring with me....

And happy to come and tell me about her adventures too....

Tuesday 20 October 2020

Dreich weather....


These photos were taken a couple of weeks ago, and we then had some good weather.  Sadly this week it has returned to dreich.  Ah well it is the end of October...  Above Ward Hill on Hoy with its head in the clouds!

The road to the old Kirk, with Hoy looking moody....

And there is a small herd of Belted Galloway cattle in one of the fields.  Love the stripey coos!

Monday 19 October 2020



Autumnal weather means cooler days and frequent rain showers but sunshine too.  Surprisingly no wind yet though (shhh don't wake the wind gods....).  One day a week or so ago there was a beautiful rainbow over Sandside....

It was a double rainbow which was extra special....  Time to look for the crock of gold, or as someone said, in my case a crock of cake!

Possibly under my bed??!

But I did take time to enjoy it - Stromness in the rain in the background....

Tuesday 13 October 2020


 There have been some lovely days weather wise in recent weeks.  Here are a few random photos of scenery, and - er hens....   Above - Autumnal colour with blue sky and white cotton wool clouds...

Hoy High lighthouse

A magnificent sunset behind the Hoy hills at this time of year...

Misty day over Hoy...

Mist clearing....

Across the bay....

A gardener is never alone when there are hens about!  Saves me raking over anyway!


Time passes.....