
Sunday 15 November 2020

Hoy Sound Low lighthouse....


I often share pictures of Hoy Sound High lighthouse as it is right next door to me!  But at the other end of the island is a shorter, dumpier lighthouse called Hoy Sound Low lighthouse.  Both were built at the same time and rather than warning mariners of a particular groups of rocks they were "leading lights".  Designed to guide in the herring fleet in the late 19th Century.  Skippers had to line up the lights and get both of then white and that led them through Hoy Sound safely, avoiding sand bars and shallow water so they could sail safely into Stromness harbour.  

There's also other history around Hoy Low light relating to WWII defences of the mouth of Hoy Sound, but more of that in another post!  For now a few photos of Hoy Low, which also has homes buildt for the lighthouse keepers.  The one at Hoy Low has been made into one dwelling.

It's a long winding hill down to the lighthouse..... and across the mouth of Hoy Sound is the west mainland of Orkney.  The hill in the distance is Black Craig and the sun sets behind this in mid summer.  At this time of year it is setting way to the left of the photo....

It has a very large walled garden, as well as a courtyard outside the house (the house is privately owned as is "the drive").  The fields round about are owned by a local farmer and used to graze cattle.

As you can see it really is a short dumpy lighthouse!  The back is painted out as the light isn't revolving.

The door to the lighthouse has a wonderful pediment over it - making it look quite "classical" in architecture.  Though the designs of many of the Scottish lighthouses were by the "lighthouse Stevenson" family and harked back to Assyrian temples....

Hope you enjoyed a quick trip to the "other" Graemsay lighthouse.....

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