
Sunday 27 December 2020

On a cold and frosty morning....


It was a gorgeous but chilly morning today but after yesterday's wind and rain it was most welcome.  I do hope folk South are managing to keep safe and dry with stories of floods etc in the news today.

Lovely view to wake up to, with a dusting of snow....

Here are a few photos from a walk with Button - a brief walk - she complained of cold paws!

Looking over to Stromness, a yacht leaving the harbour.....

The yacht through the old sail house....

Button has spied the yacht and is hoping it is Owl come to take her off to the land where the Bong-Trees grown (Owl & the Pussycat reference there...)

Button still hopeful.....


From the old lighthouse pier across Sandside Bay, over the Manse and our community hall to the Hoy hills.

And this morning Nature painted a beautiful picture on my car windscreen. Fortunately I wasn't going anywhere so I could leave it....

And as the sun set, a sleet shower.....

And a full moon

A perfect Winter's day....

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