
Thursday 31 December 2020

End of 2020......


I think it is unanimous that most people on this planet will be glad to see the back of 2020.  There is hope for 2021 with two vaccines licensed to be administered in the UK. And for me the days start lengthening which always brings hope. The garden will slowly start to emerge from its winter hibernation (as indeed may I!).  But for now some photos taken over the last couple of days.  Above it looks like a dove taking light over Stromness.... (or is it just me?)

Frosty morning....

Creel boat in the bay....

Hamnavoe ferry sailing into Stromness under the bank of cloud. Grass crisp with frost.

Button enjoying a perambulation....

Frost covered leaves...

A frosted cake - hahaha! I was delighted to receive this as a gift this Christmas.....

And late afternoon yesterday.......

The lights starting to come on in Stromness

A full moon!

Light shining in the night....

And I have just come across another Nature Blog in Orkney.  I can't add it to my blog list as it's a web page rather than blogspot.  But here is the link - do take a look....

And that's it for 2020.  Thanks for continuing to read my blog!  I hope you can have a peaceful New Year and here's to a much improved 2021 for all of us.

Wednesday 30 December 2020

Incarcerated hens.....


It feels like a plague year....... Covid-19 and now Avian Flu around the UK.  Sadly there was a case in Orkney just before Christmas, plus several cases across Scotland and the rest of Mainland UK. So DEFRA (Department for Rural Affairs including agriculture) have said that all hens, whether commercial flocks or so called "back yard" flocks, must be kept indoors.  So my poor hens are incarcerated into the stone henny house.  It's just about big enough for them I think.  I am fretting over them.  But so far no signs of pecking or bullying and all seem to get access to food and water.  

DEFRA recommend trying to provide entertainment for indoor hens. I did wonder about a subscription to Netflix but they would fight over the remote.  Judging by their behaviour already I think they've been watching the films "Chicken Run" and "The Great Escape"!   They are starting to tunnel out!

And I have to construct an obstruction so they cannot rush out the door.  I feel bad about that - they are always waiting by the door in the morning when I go to feed them.  They are so used to being completely free range (in and out whenever they want at any time apart from bad weather).

They are getting plenty of food.  Much of it sprinkled among the hay so they have to rootle for it.  They are getting their normal hen pellets in feeders, then wild bird seed and mixed corn scattered around.  Fresh fruit, swede (neeps in Orkney), pasta (they love spaghetti - maybe they think they are eating worms!).  They were getting brassicas (cabbage, sprouts, broccoli etc) but I am reliably informed that makes the eggs smell bad.  So now at least one hen has started laying again I have cut out brassicas.

They weren't that thrilled with the broccoli it has to be said...... though maybe because I had it hanging up!  They completely ignored it.  Even when cut down and among the hay they weren't that fussed.  Can't say I blame them.  Not one of my favourites either!

One thing they fall upon with glee are the tufts of grass I have been digging up for them.  My hens love eating grass - well the fresh young grass, less so the old grass.  It's been frosty for the last couple of days so I haven't had much success in digging up some tufts.

I had put a tray of earth in to see if they wanted to rootle around in it or have a dust bath but they have expressed little interest.  So on local advice I have replaced it with a tray of shell sand.  I will see how that goes.

Sadly they are likely to be incarcerated for about 12 weeks.  Maybe I do need to think about a Netflix subscription for them..... sigh....

Sunday 27 December 2020

On a cold and frosty morning....


It was a gorgeous but chilly morning today but after yesterday's wind and rain it was most welcome.  I do hope folk South are managing to keep safe and dry with stories of floods etc in the news today.

Lovely view to wake up to, with a dusting of snow....

Here are a few photos from a walk with Button - a brief walk - she complained of cold paws!

Looking over to Stromness, a yacht leaving the harbour.....

The yacht through the old sail house....

Button has spied the yacht and is hoping it is Owl come to take her off to the land where the Bong-Trees grown (Owl & the Pussycat reference there...)

Button still hopeful.....


From the old lighthouse pier across Sandside Bay, over the Manse and our community hall to the Hoy hills.

And this morning Nature painted a beautiful picture on my car windscreen. Fortunately I wasn't going anywhere so I could leave it....

And as the sun set, a sleet shower.....

And a full moon

A perfect Winter's day....

Friday 25 December 2020

No more snow.......


Although the news reported a White Christmas in parts of the UK there was no new snowfall here in Orkney.  It's been a bit of a grey day with some rain showers. 

 But the sun did peep through for a while....

A neighbour has some of this year's lambs overwintering in my field. They came over to say Merry Christmas while I was feeding the hens (who are now incarcerated in the hen house due to an Avian Flu episode in Orkney - more of that in another post - my hens are fine...grumpy at being indoors but fine...)

And finally..... this is what I was doing at 8.30 this morning..... appearing very briefly on the Sky News Breakfast program!  No it is not available on catch-up.  I didn't tell anyone before the broadcast and checked before telling anyone after the broadcast. Haha!  It was a bit of fun for me - a change to the "groundhog" day routine I (and many others) are experiencing during lockdowns.  It was just 4 minutes of me being asked what made me move here and how Christmas will be different on the island this year.  The hens got a mention but sadly not Button.  She is still sulking about that....

Now it's time to put my feet up and relax for the afternoon.....

Thursday 24 December 2020

Snow on hills.....


...... but very little on Graemsay.....   Ward hill on Hoy under a blanket on snow. But Graemsay remains the green isle!  Although there was a sprinkling of snow up the West hill of Graemsay apparently (I didn't venture that far!).

The weather is to warm up to 7 degrees C tomorrow so even this small amount of snow will disappear. A white Christmas is therefore unlikely! But we are fortunate, many parts of the UK have torrential rain and flooding.  Very sad, particularly given the additional challenges of the pandemic.

Looking over to Orphir......

And this morning about 9am looking over to Stromness.... 

I wish everyone who celebrates Christmas a safe but merry one.  I'm having a quiet day tomorrow.  I'm missing the usual lead up to Christmas with the island Christmas party and the nativity and carol service but hey how.  I am safe, well, warm and have a fridge full of food so I am very lucky.

Tuesday 22 December 2020

And the sun returned....briefly!


Sunrise this morning at 0907.  The rain eventually won out but good to see the sun.

Last night I made sure I left a light burning (safely) to remind the light to return today. The moon shone brightly too .....

And the circle of friends guards the light.....

Monday 21 December 2020

Trying to find the calm in the maelstrom that is life......


Sadly due to a "new variant" of the covid virus ripping through the UK, Christmas is cancelled this year.  Well it was mostly cancelled anyway but there was a chance that some folk could get together, however the politicians in the UK announced this weekend that even that has had to stop.  Positive test rates are increasing, as are hospitalisations and the fear is that the NHS will be overwhelmed - in some cities I fear it is nearly at that point.  

Many countries are banning visitors from the UK with flights cancelled etc and even the main port at Dover, which is the crucial route for many imports and exports, is shut for 24 hours as the ports in France are not allowing any arrivals from the UK.  I have a cabbage - I think I could auction it for £50 as folk will be going bonkers stocking up - unnecessarily!!  The world won't end if there are no sprouts....indeed it may be a better world!

Meanwhile in Scotland families can meet for one day (25th), and then from Boxing Day (26th December) much of Scotland goes into Level 4, while in Orkney along with some other island groups, we will be in Level 3 - for us this means some more shops will be open etc but limitations on mixing.

Living on an island you need to be self reliant and resilient anyway so I have plenty of food in the freezer and store cupboard and things WILL calm down once politicians sort themselves out in Europe and the UK (did I mention I was an optimist??!)  I generally stay put over the Christmas holidays anyway, preferring to travel in better weather.  But I know many people who have had plans cancelled and some who are having to spend time on their own which will be hard for them. But for me the priority is to stay safe!

Anyway now for some calming photos along the shore on Graemsay....... 

Shags having a rest along the rocks....

A small brown bird on the lighthouse pier.

Madam Button enjoying the view.....

Erm.... I'm trying to take a photo of the view Button dear....

Nope you are still in the way! Oh dear she doesn't look best pleased! Are you ready for your close up with Mr DeMille?

Looking across Sandside Bay

Liminal space - it's hard to see where the sea ends and the land begins here

Looking over the water to Stromness

Shells and maerl on the shore

Hoy hills looking brooding (does anyone else see a sleeping dragon?)

The old lighthouse pier

Creels on the old pier

The old buildings at Sandside

And at dusk..... lights..... and spooky sheep.....

Today is the Winter Solstice and I have been for my customary walk but it is raining, grey and chilly so no photos I'm afraid!  But - the light WILL return!  Here are a couple of sunrise photos from the other day too. Today sunrise was at 0906 and sunset at 1517.....

And to finish - a short calming video of gently lapping waves....