
Thursday 14 January 2021

A quick drive round the block....


As I'm not using my island car much I try and give it a run a couple of times a week to make sure it is still going OK.  I set off at around 2.30 - the sun was low with sunset about 15.40.  So here are a few pix from my jaunt....  Above the road leading down to the old Kirk, and the Hoy hills across Burra Sound.

Top of the hill....

Looking down Scapa Flow

The road to the croft of Gorn

The old croft of Dean with snow capped Hoy Hills....

Looking over to Stromness....

Further round the island now, full view of Ward Hill on Hoy, across Burra Sound....

Sunset behind ruins of crofts on Graemsay

A fine herd of Belted Galloway cattle on the island....

And back home at the old buildings at Sandside


  1. Around a small world in seventy minutes :) I loved that, thank you Sian. The seaside and the waves are also most of my world now until 17 o'clock sunset time.

    1. I just love being near the coast and seeing the light ever changing - and the weather too! Sleet showers approaching today!

  2. Beautiful, beautiful, beautiful. I can't get enough of Orkney. Just spent an hour on Thanks for your pictures, Sian.

    1. Wish we could get that Star Trek transporter working for you!

  3. You took us on a wonderful tour, you are surrounded by everything beautiful.

    1. Yes, I am so fortunate! Especially in lockdown.

  4. More wonderful photos. I live seeing your island

  5. The island is so small I wonder what you would use a car for. Can you take it to Stromness by ferry? And how do you get it serviced or repaired, or even fuelled, come to think of it?

    1. I suppose their must be car ferry access, as otherwise how would it have got to you? :)

    2. All vehicles (tractors, quad bikes, cars) are lifted on an off a ferry using the crane. So most vehicles on the island are workhorses as they have to go back and forth this way for any repairs etc. Some folk on the island have some skills in repairs etc and a local firm can get parts. As you say the island isn't that big but with Orkney weather you need cover! Most use cars as "shopping trolleys" to pick up parcels and shopping sent over on the ferry to to visit neighbours. Vans and other vehicles are used on the farms. I'm not far from the pier but up and down a steep hill so it takes me a while to walk there and back. I have various health conditions that mean I generally need to drive - hence most of my pictures being taken with a few steps of the "road" or tracks around the island!

    3. Interesting I have never seen a crane vehicle ferry. It's a small ferry so I presume you need to book.

    4. Oh yes - you can only take a vehicle on a Monday, Weds or Thursday cargo run. And yes like all cargo it has to be booked! I will try and find some photos of the lift on lift off by crane and post them. I'm not currently going near the pier due to isolation but have some "archive" photos I'm sure.
