
Saturday 6 February 2021

Big skies and rainbows....


The last couple of weeks have brought cold weather, snow  flurries, frosts, and rainbows!  Here are a few photos taken recently.  I'm not out and about much as it's far too cold - I prefer to stay cosy indoors!  Just venturing forth to feed the hens who are still incarcerated in their own lockdown due to government regulations to protect against avian flu.  No cases in Orkney recently but lockdown for poultry is across the whole of the UK.

Meanwhile in Orkney the covid19 vaccinations have been moving apace with mass vaccinations this weekend and next for different age groups, plus appointments given in various parishes, and on the isles. Currently open to all over 70s and those who are deemed clinically vulnerable of serious illness due to covid (that's me then...).  Waiting for my vaccination turn but it should be within the next couple of weeks.

Still one or two cases a week in Orkney but we are still in Level 3 with non-essential shops still trading and cafes open, though pubs are shut.

Anyway - back to big skies with and without rainbows.... I love the reflection of the rainbow in the water.... and the strategically placed sheep!

The "main road" on Graemsay

Incoming snow showers....

And then blue skies again.....

Big sky with sheep.... oh and Hoy High lighthouse....

Showers over Hoy....

That rainbow again.....

And a close up of the sheep in my field (belonging to a neighbour).

The multi coloured one is a Zwartbles mix......

The small herd of Belted Galloways being moved to new pasture. I hid in the shed to take this as there was a bull among them!

Sunrising and highlighting the landscape......

And on still nights the lights from the wee town of Stromness stretch across to the Graemsay shore.

And Hoy High lighthouse in the night with the lights of houses dotted along the Orphir countryside twinkling like stars.

Sadly no settling snow so no pretty picture book photos!  Though as I type it is yet again snowing.... but wet stuff so unlikely to settle (famous last words!).


  1. If I lived where you are I dont think I would bother drawing the curtains. Beautiful skies. Good luck for an early vaccination I had mine last Monday, the centre was very efficient and the RAF organised the people very well.

  2. So glad the vaccination programme is going well. My hubby is vulnerable so has already had his, here's hoping you get yours quickly. Beautiful skies and loving the rainbows.
