
Saturday 13 February 2021

Snow (Part 2)


Today the temperature must have got above freezing at some point as quite a bit of snow has disappeared from Graemsay and the water in the hen house wasn't frozen!  But I can see lots of snow still on the higher ground of Orkney Mainland and of course on Hoy (Hoy means High island - due to the hills). And today there are 50mph winds from the South East, blowing snow off the fields.  Not such a problem on Graemsay due to the thaw but roads closed and vehicles stuck on the Mainland.  This weekend is one of the mass vaccination events in Kirkwall, but NHS Orkney have said they will make appointments available during the week for those who cannot attend this weekend.

Anyway back to snowy scenes.....  Below is the Manse on Graemsay with Ward Hill on Hoy as a backdrop.

The old School on Graemsay and the Hoy hills....

The old lighthouse pier at Sandside, Stromness on the horizon....

The old School and Community Hall...

The croft of Quoys by the shore....

Old buildings at Sandside and looking over to Stromness....

Old buildings decorated with snow....

Snow on the sandy beach....

Harbour (Common seals) at Sandside (zoomed in so as not to disturb them!).

Snowy trees......

Across the water to Stromness

Icy main road on the island (we do have a gritter that goes round!).

Hope you enjoyed your wander in the snow!


  1. Yes, we've had unusually heavy snow here in Edinburgh. The Met Office say it'll thaw tomorrow and I hope they're right!

    1. It was a relief when it all eventually went! Pretty to look at but slippy and slidy and not easy to walk or work in. And I felt sorry for the sheep in my field!

  2. An enjoyable wander thanks. Snow always gives the landscape a different perspective, I like snow but always pleased when it goes. Does the gritter come over on the ferry ?

    1. I love the way it transforms the landscape. Just glad we don't get it often and it doesn't hang about too much. The local authority has sent over a tractor with gritter (and bags of grit/salt obviously) and a local farmer distributes it whenever someone from "the council" phones up and tells him to do so!

  3. I live considerably to the south of you in the square bit at the top of Texas, it's -14.4C at the moment with about 3 inches of snow on the ground. Our high today was -12 C. Supposed to get up to -5 C tomorrow.

    1. I've been hearing from friends in Austin and Houston about the awful conditions you are all experiencing. I hope you have power and water and are able to keep warm. The latest is not much food on the shelves. May it get much better for you very quickly.

  4. A lovely set of photos. Snow really transforms the landscape. Looks like you had the same amount as we had here in Hythe and Folkestone.

    1. Yes friends in Kent and I were comparing photos. Haha! It's been lovely here - not at all the "usual" winter.

  5. Winter beauty and completely lovely.

    1. Isn't it wonderful. Glad you enjoyed the photos.

  6. Replies
    1. It certainly does! I love it - for a few days....
