
Sunday 14 March 2021

A trip to Stromness....


I had cause to make a quick trip across the water to the Orkney Mainland a week or so ago. The weather wasn't conducive to much in the way of photography but here are a few snaps taken mainly in the shelter of the harbour!  Above are the hills of Hoy on the left, and the outskirts of Stromness on the right - straight ahead is Canada!  We weren't going there, just to Stromness......

I'm still very careful when out and about. Lots of hand washing/sanitiser etc.  So far we have gone 23 days without a positive test.  Though reportedly there is still Covid-19 in the community (sewage testing is taking place apparently). Over 40% of the Orkney population has had at least one vaccination now, and this week there are daily clinics to vaccinate those from 42 to 64 so things are moving on apace.  We are still in a Level 3 lockdown (so shops can be open but pubs are closed and restrictions on sports etc).  Children have begun returning to school in a phased approach too. But even with a lower risk than the rest of Scotland it has been seen in Shetland and the Western Isles how quickly things can take off again with just one or two cases.  So caution is observed - mask wearing on public transport mandatory and many of us will still wear masks outdoors.  

Anyway - back to photos....  Stromness harbour - the walkway for passengers boarding the Hamnavoe to the Scottish Mainland.  And a truck just loading onto the ship.  Um... I doubt the lorry is heading direct to Shetland given this boat goes South to Scrabster.....

The green boats are used for recreational diving.  Another industry hit by the pandemic.  The red boats are creel boats - fishing for lobsters etc

Fifty shades of red.....

Sailing home - Hoy High lighthouse on Graemsay and the Hoy hills on - er - the neighbouring island of Hoy...

Home again.... a flock of starlings descended on the grass in front of the house.  They over winter in Stromness, but spread out in Spring to find nesting spots and the barns nearby are a favourite.

Further signs of Spring - fluff-ball buds protecting the new green shoots beneath.

The miniature irises are a joy too - again early signs of SPRING!

Slowly signs of life again in the borders as all the tete-a-tete daffs appear.  Soon be time to clear some of the borders to let the new growth through.  But I leave things to die back in autumn with minimum clearing so it gives bugs a place to hide, and protects new shoots a bit from frost (fairly rare) and wind (common!).

And my current favourite.  I so want a frock in these colours!  Hellibore....

And at dusk - strange clouds!


  1. Lovely, oh and when do the hens get out of jail, or have I not been paying attention?

    1. Only announced recently and it's 1st April!! Hopefully NOT an April Fool!

  2. You certainly have an eye for a picure! Sian, I've been meaning to ask what has happened to some of the very interesting regulars on your side bar - Perpetually in transit, CT, Violet Sky?

    1. Thanks! Perpetually in Transit no longer blogs but I am still in touch with her. Due to covid and life changes their "transit" has been halted for some time. But are doing OK in mid-Wales. The other two just stopped blogging and didn't respond to emails. I've found over the years that several really interesting bloggers just no longer wish to continue which is a shame.
