
Tuesday 2 March 2021

And some Spring weather!


For a few days we have had Spring!  I think it's known as a "false" Spring but it has been enjoyed by many as some respite from the cold and wet.  Temperatures are due to drop later this week, but for now it has been lovely to get out into the fresh air without the need for hats, gloves, scarves and multiple layers!  I even did a wee bit of sorting out in the garden - way to early for planting, but just cutting back some dead stems to give new growth a chance to come through.  So here are a selection of photos from the last week or so....

Some beautiful calm days along the shore....

Seaweed gently floating by the old lighthouse pier

Looking across Sandside Bay.....

Oh Button, no really don't go in the creels again.....

Of course she never listens.... fear not she can walk through the middle of the pile..... daft old bat....

But she enjoys a wander about.....

She does like posing!

Nature reclaims her own in the gentlest of embraces....

View from the old Sail Shed...

And the window of the sail shed....

The first flowers of spring are in bloom....  one of my favourite hellibores. I want a frock like this!

And Tete-A-Tete narcissi

And the wonderfully delicate Crocus....

This is one of my favourites  - the colour is as delicate as the flower....

The flower looks too delicate to hold the dew....

Some soft sounds of the shore......


  1. I like the phrase " Nature reclaims her own in the gentlest of embraces...." very apt when you see old remains.

    Button certainly loves walking around, cats usually like to wander off on their own.
    Is your Spring early as the tete a tete are virtually at the same stage as ours way down here.

    1. Glad you liked the turn of phrase :-) Button has always enjoyed coming for a walk with me. I sometimes wonder if she was a dog in a former life. When she sees me putting my coat and boots on for a wander she's there at the door. Not exactly barking or jumping up but looking as eager as a cat ever does. She does of course then wander off on her own afterwards. And yes Spring seems early - to be honest it has in recent years. When I first visited the island in 1999 it was the May bank holiday and the daffodils were still in full bloom! Now in March they are ready to open! Tete a Tese are dwarf variety and always out early but even these are out earlier than usual.

  2. We have had the same weather, a rise in temperatures and the end of the endless rain. It has made a huge difference to the mood. So nice to see signs of spring on your walk.

    1. It does make such a difference doesn't it! We've still had changeable weather but the lovely bright and slightly warmer days bring such joy...

  3. Second what Dave said about your lovely phrasing. Terrific photos. You've really outdone yourself!

    1. Oh what a lovely thing to say. Thank you!

  4. It all looks very lovely and makes me think I should come and live there too. (Not that I can, for various reasons.) But I do wonder if 22 people are enough for human contact, given (I assume) that they're not all necessarily your twin souls. You must have great inner resources.

    1. On a small island it is essential to get on with your neighbours! No not all are twin souls but we all can find topics of conversation in common and when we can have parties and gatherings they are always fun. But I have a number of friends on the Orkney Mainland too so in "normal circumstances" (will they ever return!) I do go and meet up with other pals too. But yes you need to be very self contained and self-reliant to live anywhere remote really - highlands, islands or anywhere really rural. It's certainly not for everyone (um Graemsay would be a bit crowded if it was!)
