
Tuesday 27 April 2021



Here are a few random pictures taken a couple of weeks ago now.  Just catching up after a week or so of gardening and adventuring off island (more of that later).  Above - snow on hills!  We had some snow around Easter (to be honest I lose track of time now I'm retired. Ha!).  

The view through the window! Nice and toasty indoors but felt sorry for the wee lambs outdoors!

I told Button she was on her own digging out the cat flap!  

A view from the hen house of Hoy High lighthouse...

Moody sky over the croft of of Quoynanapp

As there was a gale along with the snow I did a quick rescue trip to gather in some of the daffs before they got blasted.  Fortunately there were others not due out for a couple of weeks so they seem to have survived to provide nectar for insects.  There was a lovely fragrance around the house as I had clusters of daffs everywhere!

Fortunately the sun and warmth returned and Spring could get back on with renewal.  Here are Dolores (front) and Lola (rear) enjoying a rootle around the garden....

A trailer full of lambs!  Some had "plastic macs" on to help protect against the rain and snow.

Who knew there were pandas on Graemsay!

And another sign that Spring is definitely here - the sun sets this side of Graemsay now!

A calm sea and beautiful sky, what a lovely end to a day.


  1. Lovely sky in the final two images and the earlier view of the lighthouse is very atmospheric.

    1. Thank you. Yes we get glorious skies here...

  2. Thank you. We have low horizons and big skies in Orkney which is wonderful.

  3. Hope that was the last of the snow and it has all melted by now. I can imagine the divine scent of those daffodils. They are gorgeous.
    Lambs with macs?

    1. Yes lambs with little macs - their legs go through holes to keep them on. Just adds a little more warmth for the wee lambs!
