
Saturday 31 July 2021

Meanwhile.... back in June....


Well it took me a while to sort through photos, download them and all that jazz.... anyway here are some photos from the end of June.  More of the same with sunsets, sea, flowers, oh and a random hedgehog, so hope I'm not boring you!

Sadly the buttercups have "gone over" now but they were magnificent for a good few weeks.

I spy a boat in the bay.... this is the "Gremsa" a home built Orkney Yole (first launched in 1999.  It's 18 foot and known as a "South Isles" yole, and carries two spritsails and a jib.

I chatted to the folk when I saw them on the shell beach looking for Groatie Buckies (tiny cowrie shells). They had sailed over from Stromness for a few hours.

Looking across Sandside Bay on a warm but grey day.

The "main" Graemsay road that winds its way around the island.  The cow parsley was in full flower then.

Raindrops clinging to the feathery grass heads.

Back to the sunsets....

And finally a fairly apocalyptic sunset....

Late evening sun on Sandside beach....

Um.... this is a "hydro" (presumably short for hydro-electric) pole - for the overhead electricity cables that run across the island. One of the poles nearly went on fire recently as some crows had built a nest on the transformer atop a pole. The nesting material bridged across the two wires and caused a power outage and very nearly a fire atop the pole.  Fortunately the company that manages the lines (we refer to as the Hydro Board but it's probably something like Scottish and Southern Electricity company nowadays!) came out in a wee boat and were able to effect repairs.  However the following week they sent out a spare pole together with a spare transformer.  It's fairly easy to get workmen out rapidly (weather permitting) in a small boat, but obviously large poles and transformers are trickier to transport.  Fingers crossed they are not needed. Although we did have another short power cut again last week so maybe....

Button "chairing" a meeting - no one is listening as usual!

Once morning as I drew the blinds in my bedroom I spotted a hedgehog crossing the road.  I've seen hedgehogs around the house but it's unusual to see them out in daylight and I was a bit worried it might get run over as people headed for the morning ferry.  So in pyjams and slippers I rushed out to the rescue. Well...... actually all I did was watch where it went and guide it off the road into the farm buildings.  I ran back to get some cat food in case it was hungry but on my return it had disappeared.  I've since learned that female hedgehogs sometimes leave the nest and hoglets during the day for a walk, food or water. 

 There are a number of water bowls around the old farm buildings and in the garden so hopefully if she was after water she found it!  I haven't seen her since but there has been evidence of a hedgehog in the garden so I'm hoping it was her...or him...

Thursday 29 July 2021

Hmmm well that was July....


Not sure where the month went really..... I've been out and about a few times, the weather has been largely warm and windless (oh joy!).  Also almost no rain, though a fair bit of fog and a certain amount of grey sky which isn't conducive to photographs.  Anyway will try and post a few photos over the next week or so.

Covid-19 continues to rumble on in Orkney with one or two cases almost daily. Largely from folk returning from visits South.  We are in Level 0 along with the rest of Scotland. That may change from the 9th August where the remaining restrictions may be lifted.  Although the Scottish Government have indicated that mask wearing will be mandatory for indoor settings for some time to come.  Much to my relief!  

Tourism has opened up again and Orkney is much busier than the last 18 months, though I think numbers are down, particularly those from overseas due to the international border restrictions.  But again that is set to change.  And the cruise ship industry is gearing up and we have 44 cruise ships booked to visit Orkney between now and November.  Shudders.... fortunately I can evade most visitors but others have little choice and as ever the cruise ship industry in Orkney remains controversial among the population, more so now with Covid-19.

But here are some tranquil photos of sunsets (and fog....) this last month....

Sun shining through a misty sky....

Sunshine through the rain....

A rainbow over Hoy High lighthouse and and Sandside bay (and my house of course!).  Photo courtesy of Audrey Lee.

Hoy High in the fog!

No competition for the sun to battle through this time....

Though sometimes I am just too lazy to get off the sofa to go out and take a photo. Hee hee!

And a bouncing ball of a sunset.... I'm guessing it's something to do with refraction on the phone camera lens as it didn't look like this to the eye!

And on a grey evening, high tide at Sandside Bay at the end of June....

Friday 2 July 2021

Sunny start to July....


The last few days have been warm, sunny and no wind.  Bliss!  Though tat one point I had to come in from sitting on a bench in the garden as it was too hot. Ha!  This afternoon it has got a little cooler, and grey clouds have come in, but forecast if for settled weather for the next few days at least which is great.  Anyway some pictures from around and about Graemsay......

Above - Hoy High lighthouse across a field of buttercups.  As it's been so dry there are many fields of buttercups across Orkney this year!  

A bird's eye view from the rooftop! Looking across my garden, Sandside Bay and over to the hills on Hoy

The old steading (farm buildings) and across the water to Garson and the farm of Fillets

Looking over the house and across Clestrain Sound to the Orphir Hills on the Orkney Mainland

I took a drive up to the old quarry on the island the other day and found a blue tailed damselfly basking in the sun. It flitted from rock to rock but even so these photos are zoomed right in as they are actually tiny! Not much bigger than a matchstick! These are all the same male but on different rocks (I think....)

On past the quarry and the road leads down to the old kirk.  The Hoy hills across the water on the horizon

The old croft of Dean, Hoy hills in the background again...

Looking over Burra Sound to Moaness, on Hoy

A green "road" leading down to the shore - it's very deep and tussocky so, no, I haven't walked it!

Moaness again, you can just make out the pier where the ferry calls in after visiting Graemsay (or before, depending on timetable).  I love the way the hill just rises up out of the green fields.

Back home again, sea level, looking back at Hoy High among the grasses

Looking across the water to Stromness

Hope you enjoyed your wander!