
Friday 2 July 2021

Sunny start to July....


The last few days have been warm, sunny and no wind.  Bliss!  Though tat one point I had to come in from sitting on a bench in the garden as it was too hot. Ha!  This afternoon it has got a little cooler, and grey clouds have come in, but forecast if for settled weather for the next few days at least which is great.  Anyway some pictures from around and about Graemsay......

Above - Hoy High lighthouse across a field of buttercups.  As it's been so dry there are many fields of buttercups across Orkney this year!  

A bird's eye view from the rooftop! Looking across my garden, Sandside Bay and over to the hills on Hoy

The old steading (farm buildings) and across the water to Garson and the farm of Fillets

Looking over the house and across Clestrain Sound to the Orphir Hills on the Orkney Mainland

I took a drive up to the old quarry on the island the other day and found a blue tailed damselfly basking in the sun. It flitted from rock to rock but even so these photos are zoomed right in as they are actually tiny! Not much bigger than a matchstick! These are all the same male but on different rocks (I think....)

On past the quarry and the road leads down to the old kirk.  The Hoy hills across the water on the horizon

The old croft of Dean, Hoy hills in the background again...

Looking over Burra Sound to Moaness, on Hoy

A green "road" leading down to the shore - it's very deep and tussocky so, no, I haven't walked it!

Moaness again, you can just make out the pier where the ferry calls in after visiting Graemsay (or before, depending on timetable).  I love the way the hill just rises up out of the green fields.

Back home again, sea level, looking back at Hoy High among the grasses

Looking across the water to Stromness

Hope you enjoyed your wander!


  1. Loved the Damsels, they look like they've been tagged 😁 Presumably they're the males.

  2. I certainly did enjoy my wander, thank you. Glad you're feeling better.

  3. Good evening Sian..just keeping you up to speed, back to back trips to the Motherland mean a new poem blog is unavoidable..
