
Sunday 22 August 2021

Around Graemsay

For various reasons I'm not venturing far from Graemsay at the moment so here are yet more photos "around Graemsay".... Yip more sunsets.... The evenings are drawing in now as summer moves on.  Sunset is about 20.44. Gone are the almost endless light nights. Instead I sit in the conservatory watching the lights come on in Stromness.

Sometimes I'm too lazy to get up from the sofa to take a sunset photo. Hee hee...

And often the scenery distracts from TV - even Gardener's World (fantasy TV for an Orkney gardener...).  But I can watch hen harriers and a short eared owl hunting in this field behind the house. Even Monty Don can't compete with that...

No I haven't put Madam Button on a pedestal.  She does that all by herself!

There is, of course, a story to Button in a house.... sigh.  I bought this for her when she came to live here 13 years ago (she was 2.5 years old at the time). Nope, had no interest in the house.  It has been in a cupboard since then in case any other Graemsay cat was in need.  They weren't, so it was going to the local "Cat" charity shop.  And yup, after 13 years Button decided to sit in it..... well for one day.  It may yet end up at the "Cat" shop....

Stripey cows.... (Belted galloways) grazing in a field off the "main" road on Graemsay

Up the main road... ahem the only road... 

A creel boat just off the main Graemsay pier...

Our Graemsay ferry coming into the pier

Meanwhile in Sandside Bay a nice wee yacht....

And a small sail boat in at the pier....

And on another day..... as mentioned before we don't have a ro-ro ferry so this is how vehicles come to the island (but not on a regular basis.)

Meanwhile up at the Graemsay quarry the heather is out.  Blue tailed damsel flies were still in evidence but unfortunately no sign of common blue or emeralds this year. Well not when I have been looking anyway.

Also at the quarry, possibly mushrooms - but I wasn't going to try out eating them, as I'm not an expert forager.

This is a favourite daytime spot of the hens.  It's under a bird feeder which helps! But also they love to rootle among the willow trees here (Canadian willow) and get shade from the sun, or wind, or indeed bask in the sun.

Harvest time - cutting silage in my field...

Swallow eggs! Well the remains.  There seem to have been several fledgings this year with lots of swallows swooping on the garden and field for insects.

And I mentioned sitting and watching the lights of Stromness come on after sunset



  1. Lovely photos Sian, such good light. I always think of August being the first month of Autumn although 50 years ago it wasn't.
    Interesting how they get the cars on and off the ferry, do you have to book a place ?
    I like your windows they look as if they can withstand the winters.

    1. We have the County Agricultural show in mid August (not this year sadly) and traditionally everyone says "summer's over now" once the parish and County Shows are past. But so far the weather is holding. Really warm today and forecast to hold for the week.

      re cars - yes you have to book in advance. The deck is small and everything comes over on the cargo runs so you have to wait your turn among the livestock supplies!

      Yes good hardwood window frames. And the panes aren't too big so better for northerly gales. Though watching the panes flex in a gale is very nerve-wracking!

      Hope you are doing OK at the moment?

    2. That must be scary watching the panes flex. Your house does look very cosy but then it has to be. Doing ok thanks. I start my chemo and radiotherapy today with mixed feeling. On the one hand pleased that its happening but wary of the possible side effects. But overall feeling positive.

    3. Hope all goes well with the treatment and no horrible side effects. Glad you are feeling positive!

  2. I like that "...watching the lights come on in Stromness" mmmm, I feel a poem coming on..

  3. Lovely photos again of your island. Buttons looks so cute in her house. Hope she decides it has to stay.
    That little yacht at the wharf is really quite comical. How did they get from the boat to the wharf or did they have a small row boat to putter to shore?
    Mushrrom time. mmm. Still dry and brown in Greece. And hot

    1. You have really been suffering in Greece this summer! Yes I think the yacht had a small inflatable they used to come ashore.
