
Sunday 14 November 2021

A walk to the beach - with Button!


I'm delighted to say Button is responding well to her anti-inflammatory meds and is venturing forth a bit more again.  We had our first walk to the beach in some time. Partly due to the weather and partly her reluctance to go that far.  She is still a bit wary going out - she knows she can't run or climb out of the way of the Graemsay bears and wolves - well that's her story....

Across the bay......

A seal popping its head up at the end of the old lighthouse pier....

You need to click on the photo to see a larger version but there ARE seals in this photo on the rocks - very well camouflaged....

Button inspecting the creels for any partans (crabs) left behind.

Calm day.....

Button is less than keen on seaweed....

Wonder what she is thinking?

On the old lighthouse pier....

Rock pools....

Old buildings at Sandside

Slime mould - bit sinister as it can move across the grass.  Common name - Dog vomit slime... you can see why it's so named....

Looking across to Stromness

An another gratuitous picture of Madam Button... who has just brought a mouse in....very much alive and currently behind a cupboard in the kitchen...... bloody cat!  I'm glad you feel up to catching mice but can you NOT bring them IN THE HOUSE!


  1. I bet Button is pleased to be able to venture out again. Good for her.

  2. Great photos of the beach walk. A lot to see there. Lovely rock pools, seals, and good company 😃 . Don't know about that dog slime though.

  3. A nice walk. Refreshing to view.

