
Wednesday 12 January 2022

A ride round Graemsay (2)


Sometimes, on a good day, a ride on the e-trike involves a bit of a picnic.  A small thermos of tea and some munchies (cake if available) to be enjoyed on one of several picnic benches around the island.  All have amazing views.  Though it has to be said, with the Winter weather, the picnic idea has only worked out twice so far....

Photo above is at the West end of the island, nothing between us and Canada!  To the right is the Orkney Mainland, and at the bottom of the hill is Hoy Low lighthouse.

I have the e-trike on loan for a bit longer.  I am definitely wanting to buy one.  Unfortunately this one is an inch too wide to go into the shed at the house so I need to find something a bit narrower.  The manufacturer's were approached (Jorvik) but sadly they don't make a smaller version nor can they suggest any modifications so I can get this in the shed.  The search continues!

The view to the left of the picnic bench..... The Hoy hills.

Hoy Low lighthouse, and outside Stromness below......

Looking over to Black Craig - the sun sets just to the right of the summit in mid-summer.  At the moment it is still setting very much behind the Hoy hills....

Stromness across the water, nestling into the bowl of Brinkies Brae

Sheep on the top of WindyWalls Brae.....

This is the South side of the island now, looking over Burra Sound towards Ward Hill on Hoy.

The valley between the hills on Hoy.

This wee house is known as the Cott of School.  It's just above the old school.  Though the actual School House, where the teacher would have lived, is across the road.

Looking across to Hoy again....

The tour of the island will continue!  The weather in these photos looks lovely - well I'm a fair-weather cyclist.  I don't mind it being cold, but it has to not be windy or wet!  And if the weather is flat grey and cold I tend to just do a couple of laps of the island and not stop off.  Today the wind is howling as it does in the Winter, and it's most definitely an indoor day.  Tomorrow looks like more of the same.  But hopefully an outing again at the end of the week.


  1. Have a look at non electric trikes to see if they fit. You can get any bike converted with an electric motor.

    1. Oh hadn't thought of that. Will do. Thanks!
