
Tuesday 8 February 2022

Blustery days.....


There have been a lot of blustery days this last month.  Orkney winters are known for being wet and windy.  January and February are often the windiest months and that is certainly true this year.  Persistent gales with the odd day of calm.  So I haven't been out and about much at all.  Barely out on the trike, and only one short visit to Stromness since Christmas.  Bit bored with it now, but I'm still fairly happy to be hibernating and not needing to go anywhere. 

Anyway - 3 pictures that epitomize a gale...... above - waves crashing over the "main road" on Graemsay at high tide. Wish some light snow on the Hoy hills (we have had very little snow so far...)

And our ferry valiantly sailing back to Stromness.....  Hoy Sound is comparatively sheltered.  Generally the skippers of our ferry have worked on deep sea fishing boats in the past, so this is just a gentle breeze to them!  Their passengers often think otherwise.....

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