
Wednesday 23 February 2022

Wind and rain....


I know in Orkney we have been very fortunate regarding the weather.  Despite several storms, we are better prepared than South, and have fewer trees to cause damage and chaos.  Most folk here have fared OK.  We know to put trampolines and garden furniture away by October or find them strewn about the countryside! And anything that has to be outside (like wheelie-bins for rubbish) are staked and have heavy stones to weight down the lids!  So we have got off lightly and also avoided the snow.... Some ferries have been cancelled due to tide and wind, but largely everything has gone on as normal.

Having said all that, PLEASE can it stop being wet and windy.... my lungs are very unhappy..... We get wet and windy weather every winter but this February it has been continuous!  Almost no calm days of respite.  I am SO done with February now!  

Anyway, here are a few photos I was able to take about two weeks ago on a rare calm interlude! I was out on my still-on-loan electric trike and went adventuring.

Above - Hoy Low lighthouse and looking across to the Orkney West Mainland. Below, Hoy Low...

Zwarbtle sheep leading the charge (a very slow and sedate charge!)

I had my trusty e-Trike on standby for a quick getaway!

A male Stonechat, chittering on the fence to his mate who is just out of shot.

Remains of the WWII defenses at Hoy Low.

Looking across the muddy field to Ward hill on Hoy.

Snow atop Ward Hill

Looking across Burra Sound to Hoy

And on the other side of the island, Hoy High, with Stromness in the background.

Hoy High again.  The yellow triangle marks where the electricity cable comes over from the Orkney Mainland.

Back at home at Sunset....

And mist hanging over Orphir


  1. A nice set of pictures. Lets hope March is better than February.

  2. After a close cosideration of the symptoms madam, it looks like you are suffering from 'cabin fever'🤣

  3. Triangle? ... Diamond? Rhombus? .... Pedant? :)

    Nice view as ever. I love the one of the sheep. Slow but persistent I expect.

    1. Oh er yes diamond it is. Ooops! Oh yes sheep are slow but very persistent!

  4. Glad you had a day of respite and are sharing the lovely photos. Spring can't come soon enough for me either! Counting the days.

    1. Technically it's here apparently! Though I need a little more persuasion...

  5. It was very windy for days in Edinburgh too, but that's over now. For now.
