
Thursday 10 March 2022

Around and about.....


Uninspiring title - sorry!  Anyway some photos from round and about Graemsay on a rare calm, sunny day when there was some warmth in the sun...... and yes it was a trike ride!  This time down to the Kirk as well as around the road.

The road through the valley on Hoy.

Looking East down Burra Sound....

Looking over to Hoy....

Steps leading down to the shore.....

Read the signs.....

Follow the arrows......

The old Kirk....

The old Kirk organ - or what remains of it....

Coat hooks in the "vestry"

Quiet neighbourhood.  Apparently there are a number of unmarked graves here.  Not every family chose to have a headstone - or maybe couldn't afford one?

Lichen on the kirkyard walls.  Apparently a sign of how clean the air is hereabouts.

Belted galloway cattle just across from the kirk.  The rooftop of the croft of Gorn on the horizon

Back over the other side of the island on the way to the pier - Scarratain.  Now a ruin but had a turf roof for insulation long before they were "on trend"!

Looking across to Stromness

Hoy High lighthouse, that diamond sign, showing where the electricity cable comes ashore, and to the right of the lighthouse tower, the rooftop and chimney of Sandside.  In front of the diamond sign is a small building where dynamite was kept when the "new" pier was built many years ago.  The little "dog kennel" in front was where they kept the detonators!

Looking across the fields at Sandside.


1 comment:

  1. Your titles are spot on! Not flowery or flouncy but simple and to the point, drawing people all over the globe into your wonderful world. Take heart!
