
Sunday 23 October 2022

A walk to the beach....


The weather this month has been mild but very wet. So I was really fortunate to visit Graemsay last week on a gloriously sunny day.  It was my last visit before the sale of Sandside is concluded (fingers crossed - it's not a done deal till the papers are signed!!  I may be able to breathe after this week.  What with all the shenanigans in the UK financial markets (not to mention Westminster - not let's not mention Westminster...)  Anyway.... Here are some photos from my visit. 

The "main road" on Graemsay and Sandside bay with the Hoy Hills in the background.

The first time I set foot on Graemsay and went to the shore there were seals to greet me.  It was quite poignant to find them there on my last visit.

Looking across to Stromness

Sandside bay with seals....

The coral beach....

The old lighthouse pier.....

And finally..... Sandside.......  It's been a wonderful home for me for 22 years but time to hand over to the next custodian.  Onto new adventures for me....

Sunday 16 October 2022

Around about....


Inganess Bay

Some random photos from recent weeks out and about around Orkney.  The first four are of Inganess Bay, just outside Kirkwall.  The wreck is of a ship called the Juniata, which was used as a blockship in Scapa Flow during WWII.

And these photos are around and about South Ronaldsay, isles linked by the Churchill Barriers.

Windwick Bay

And these are around South Ronaldsay in general....

And watch this space as I hope to have news soon of a soon-to-be new home in rural Orkney Mainland....  fingers crossed!

Monday 10 October 2022

Ferrying around Graemsay


Until the house sale is complete I am returning to Graemsay a couple of times a week to finish off clearing out etc.  Due to the times I am travelling I get the joy of going right round Graemsay via Hoy.  Here is a selection of photos taken in the last month since I moved to Kirkwall, on my weekly commute.

Tuesday 4 October 2022

Ring of Brodgar - a distant view....

I took a run out in the van yesterday to the Ring of Brodgar.  I didn't venture up close or all round it this time.  Due to excessive footfall from lots of visitors the path is becoming worn so the inner path is closed.  There were also a couple of coach trip visitors around and I'm still avoiding crowds!  So I enjoyed a more distant view.  It was lovely being in open countryside.  I could hear some of the remaining curlews and other resident birds among the babble of visitors.

Some better photos and information are available here   Meanwhile, here are a few phone snaps from my wander.....

The hills of Hoy in the background....

Lochs around Brodgar....

The Hoy hills, and a mound near the ring.

A neighbouring bull and his girls....

Sunday 2 October 2022

Bringing in the harvest....


My field behind the house has been used for summer grazing by a neighbouing farmer and at the end of the season is used for silage.  These photos were taken at the end of August - I'm still playing catch up!  The farmer had done the main silage harvest weeks before and much was already in a silage pit or baled.  These were a few bonus extra bales and some of the older vehicles were used at a more leisurely pace!

One of Button's favourite spots - watching activity!