
Sunday 23 October 2022

A walk to the beach....


The weather this month has been mild but very wet. So I was really fortunate to visit Graemsay last week on a gloriously sunny day.  It was my last visit before the sale of Sandside is concluded (fingers crossed - it's not a done deal till the papers are signed!!  I may be able to breathe after this week.  What with all the shenanigans in the UK financial markets (not to mention Westminster - not let's not mention Westminster...)  Anyway.... Here are some photos from my visit. 

The "main road" on Graemsay and Sandside bay with the Hoy Hills in the background.

The first time I set foot on Graemsay and went to the shore there were seals to greet me.  It was quite poignant to find them there on my last visit.

Looking across to Stromness

Sandside bay with seals....

The coral beach....

The old lighthouse pier.....

And finally..... Sandside.......  It's been a wonderful home for me for 22 years but time to hand over to the next custodian.  Onto new adventures for me....


  1. I’m gonna miss the small island. I’ve been with you since the beginning. Wishing you your best future.

    1. Oh thank you for being a loyal reader! I will continue when I move which will be to an equally rural and beautiful location though not on a small island.... more a peninsular.....

    2. Ronaldsay, I suppose. ;-)
      Good luck, Sian, and all the best.

  2. I hope it won't be your last visit! Hope you will take us with you on your new adventures!

    1. I will definitely revisit Graemsay at some point. I have friends on the island and it's a wee gem so I want to return

  3. It will seem strange someone else being in Sandside. At least there should be a small plaque on the wall saying something like 'Sian Thomas of 'Life on a small Island' once lived here 😆

    1. Haha! I did get a mention in the book by historian Bryce Wilson on Graemsay..... that will be my claim to fame ;-)

  4. I am glad the seals were there. It must seem odd to be on the beach there without Button. I hope the sale goes through and look forward to hearing of you and Button in your new home on a bigger island. Thanks.

    1. Yes it was strange walking on the beach without Button. Though to be honest in the last year or so she has ventured there herself less often. As she gets older she prefers to stay closer to home and safety.
