
Saturday 1 October 2022

Back on Graemsay....


These photos were taken the day before Button and I finally moved to Kirkwall.  Button is settling in reasonably well to town life.  It's very noisy with road traffic and other noise, which has made her very nervous outside unfortunately.  I feel guilty of depriving her of a quiet life on Graemsay!  Though as she is now 16.5 years old she wasn't going to the beach much either with or without me.  Happy memories in these photos!

If you look closely you can see a wee black and white cat hiding in the grass!

A slow walk home....

We took the route via the old byres, which were formerly dwellings - hence evidence of fire places and sink-bains (shelves built into the wall).  Once the houses were no longer needed as new ones were built (maybe for bigger family!) they were converted to byres for the cattle to stand in during the winter months.  Each stall separated by huge flagstones, and with a drain running behind them - that probably ran sraight onto the shore! 

Now colonised by daisies and sow thistle.

Complete with ornamental cat....

The hens enjoying underfloor heating from some old hay.  Sadly Tally, my non binary chicken at the back died a week or so ago. Tally was originally Tallulah and a hen, but then changed to exhibit cockerel characteristics - grew a combl, wattles, spurs and crowed!  But if this happens as adults it usually suggests there is a tumour or something else growin internally to bring about the change.  So I wasn't surprised when Tally expired.  But Tally had lived a great life and was probably about 9 or 10 years old.

Tally, Dolores and Lola by my trike.  I had the trike on loan for some time but with nowhere to store it where I am staying in Kirkwall, it has now been returned.  :-(

Soaking up the warmth from the sandstone!

Visitors viewing the property while on sale. Haha!

Across the garden to Stromness in the evening light.

Hoy High in the evening, setting sun catching the tower...

Yes I miss this view!

And this one too...

Silage waiting to be cut (this was end August).

Sandside, with Stromness in the background.


  1. A very affecting post - just don't move to a City!
    ( is out, toodles - Marky.

    1. Thanks Mark. Much as I am enjoying Kirkwall I don't think it's my long term home! Lovely poems, very evocative as usual.
