
Thursday 9 February 2023

February update - new home!



I moved into my new wee hoose towards the end of January.  Still getting a few things unpacked, rearranged etc but very happy with my new home.  The scenery here in the East Mainland of Orkney is glorious - different from the West and Graemsay but still lovely.  Unfortunately the weather has been pretty grim since I moved in.  We've had ice and snow, gales, heavy rain.  Still gales and heavy rain this week!  So not much in the way of out and about to explore.  However here are a few pix from recent weeks.

Clouds over St Peter's Pool.  I love the light on the grasses and the way they echo the waves in the wind.

I have found a sandy beach with shells on - no groatie buckies though.  The tide goes right out here and provides mud flats for lots of wading birds.  Can't wait till Spring!.

While Dingieshowe is mainly shingle but there are sandy areas, also a wonderful dune system.

Ronnie, one of the garage cats, and some of the other neighbours!

Yes Button is aware of Ronnie and Reggie and not impressed.  Especially as she is having to remain a house cat for the time being.

There is a "catio" (cat patio) but she keeps escaping!  However she does enjoy taking the air from the windowsill.  It's when she gets off the windowsill the trouble starts!

And the views from the windows are spectacular!  Big skies and cloudscapes.

And facing North - a pastoral scene - plus my wind turbine!

The garden around the house is laid to gravel with wild flowers growing among it.  Also some whalebones!  And gorgeous gabion walls created by previous owners.  As you can see we are close to the road - hence Button and the catio...

And this looks East  - the edge of the cliffs there.

Hopefully as Spring returns there will be more opportunities to be out and about!  I'm reading a book about the parish so can share some of the history too.


  1. Looks stunning. Very pleased for you.

    1. Thank you. Loving it here.

    2. Mark I've lost the link to your latest blog post. Could you send it to me again please? Sorry not been focussing on blogging while unpacking and completely lost the plot!

  2. Good to hear you’ve settled in. Hope you have happy times there. Look forward to hearing about your new area.

    1. Starting to get acquainted with the neighbourhood (and neighbours)

  3. I’ve followed your blog for a long time but never commented I’m happy you’ve settled in and look forward to your stunning photos pure escapism for me living down south which is very congested!

    1. I well remember life "south" (North Kent for me). I love the big skies here!

  4. Great scenery! Enjoy your new house and area of living!

  5. I’m glad you are both settling in, even if Button has some reservations. Ronnie and Reggie! Great names for a pair of cats. I hope, for Button’s sake, they aren’t as violent as their names suggest.

    1. hilàrion - never realised that!

    2. Yup that is exactly WHY I named them Ronnie & Reggie. The body count is alarming sometimes...

  6. Exciting to see your new surroundings and the cats, of course.

    1. Starting to get out and about - on good weather days!

  7. Love all the views. Quite something to have a whalebone in your front yard. If only Button would not escape, she could enjoy the Cat Patio. The boys look good. We have a male neutered cat living with us part time. His devotion to our youngest son is amazing. He will hang out etc here but in the evening he goes and sits by the door waiting to be picked up.

    1. Yes there's lots of treasures around the house which is wonderful. And yes poor Button. I tried a cat harness - that didn't end well either. We are on Plan D now - but that needs to wait till better weather.

  8. Very happy to hear from you and to hear that you are safely settled in. Button will adapt and what lovely scenery (jealous much)! I'm sure it will be a very happy home and you and Button will have lots of adventures!
