
Thursday 29 June 2023

A visit to Graemsay


Hoy Hight lighthouse

Although I paid a brief visit a few weeks ago I didn't have a chance to have a proper wander around the island.  So last week I went back with a friend, borrowed a car and set about exploring the wee island that was my home for 22 years.  I also popped in on the new owners of Sandside, who love living on the island and are taking good care of the house and garden.  I firmly believe those of us who live in old houses are simply custodians, and now it's onto the next generation.  Anyway here are some photos of my visit.

Sailing from Stromness via Hoy to Graemsay

The old kirk, now under new ownership.

It's a quiet neighbourhood.  

The view from the kirk.....

Sadly a dead Fin whale  was washed up on the shore not far from the kirk in the Winter of 2023.  Some of the skeleton is now visible and being removed.....

After the kirk we took a run down to Hoy Low.... I love this lighthouse - short and dumpy! The reason for two lighthouses on the island was to guide the herring fleet through a narrow passage into Stromness harbour.  There is quite shallow water around the island, so for deeper water the ships had to light up Hoy High and Hoy Low lights to white and keep on that course.  If one showed red they were off course.

Looking down to Hoy Low and the accommodation around it, and across the mouth of Hoy Sound to the outskirts of Stromness on the Orkney Mainland.

Down the road is the island Community Hall.  This was refurbished using EU and local grants just before the pandemic.  It's now back in use for parties, quizzes and games evenings.  There is also a defibrilator on the wall - many of these are now publically available around Orkney.

And in a field across from the hall are some belted galloway cattle.  Love the stripey coos! They are a hardy breed and can live out year round.  They also calve themselves easily outdoors.

And of course, Sandside Bay!

And lovely Sandside, my former home!  I was made most welcome and delighted to see it looking so good.

Meanwhile the old School is being brought back to life.  A lovely renovation taking place there.

Hoy High ever visible, this time just round the corner from the old School

And a bit further along the road is the old Quarry.  We were fortunate enough to see a blue-tailed damselfly here.  It was a bit breezy so not much visible activity - they were hiding in the long grass and rushes.

A lovely view of Hoy from the top road....

The old croft house of Dean with a new corrugated iron room....

And that is the end of the tour!  We had a lovely day and I  caught up with quite a few folk too.

Wednesday 28 June 2023

Testing mobile editor…

Midsummer over St Peter’s Pool, Deerness….

OK - I'm back..... yes really.... I think!


Madam Button demands adulation

So.... I didn't get on with Instagram either and I had so many lovely emails and comments from folk sad about me stopping my blog that I thought - oh folk ARE still interested.... maybe I will continue and see how it goes.  Part of the reason I stopped was I felt it was all a bit repetitive!  And I will probably blog a bit less often and not beat myself up about that..... 

I will try and find a way to do a mobile upload from my phone or ipad as that might be easier too - I rarely use my laptop now I'm retired.....

Coming up - last week I went back to Graemsay (to misquote the first line of Rebecca by Daphne du Maurier!).

Sunday 4 June 2023

Sunset over..... my blog.....


I have thought long and hard about this, but I feel it is time for me to finish blogging.  I've blogged for just over 10 years now and thoroughly enjoyed it, as well as connecting with folk all over the world, and meeting some of them face to face!  But I lost my blogging mojo last year and it's not really returned. So thanks for reading and here are a few final sunset shots from my new home.  

Cattle enjoying a calm early summer evening.

Nestled in the landscape......

Sunset glow

Almost full moon over the ocean....

Calm seas....

Sunset at this time of year is 10.15 or thereabouts with sunrise about 4am - and twilight in between. LOVE this time of year!!

Forget-me-nots at sunset....

And sunset glow over the sea campion and aquilegia...


Slipping below the horizon.

And no proper post is complete without dear Madam Button.  At 17.5 years old she takes life a little more slowly but is no less demanding!  She enjoys sitting on the windowsill and watching the world go by...

And sunbathing..... she likes sunbathing....

So once again, thanks for spending time here, and for all your comments, support, laughter and commiserations over the years.  It's much appreciated, and I enjoyed your company!

Meanwhile I can be found over on Instagram which I am only just getting to grips with...... so - bear with!  (under name of Siansandside) - or via email address in the profile link on this page.

Take care folks...... Sian