
Sunday 4 June 2023

Sunset over..... my blog.....


I have thought long and hard about this, but I feel it is time for me to finish blogging.  I've blogged for just over 10 years now and thoroughly enjoyed it, as well as connecting with folk all over the world, and meeting some of them face to face!  But I lost my blogging mojo last year and it's not really returned. So thanks for reading and here are a few final sunset shots from my new home.  

Cattle enjoying a calm early summer evening.

Nestled in the landscape......

Sunset glow

Almost full moon over the ocean....

Calm seas....

Sunset at this time of year is 10.15 or thereabouts with sunrise about 4am - and twilight in between. LOVE this time of year!!

Forget-me-nots at sunset....

And sunset glow over the sea campion and aquilegia...


Slipping below the horizon.

And no proper post is complete without dear Madam Button.  At 17.5 years old she takes life a little more slowly but is no less demanding!  She enjoys sitting on the windowsill and watching the world go by...

And sunbathing..... she likes sunbathing....

So once again, thanks for spending time here, and for all your comments, support, laughter and commiserations over the years.  It's much appreciated, and I enjoyed your company!

Meanwhile I can be found over on Instagram which I am only just getting to grips with...... so - bear with!  (under name of Siansandside) - or via email address in the profile link on this page.

Take care folks...... Sian


  1. You will be missed, but I completely understand, when the time is right to stop you just 'know'. I commenced blogging in March 2008 and kept going (almost) without a break until 2021.

    Thank you for the wonderful images which you have shared over the years. Later this summer I get to make my first ever visit to Orkney (Mainland) and cannot articulate how much I'm looking forward to it.

    1. Thanks for following me! Do get in touch if you want any info etc about Orkney before o during your visit. Have a lovely time!

  2. I’m sorry to hear that, but I understand. All the best to you and Button.

    1. Thank you. And thanks for your comments over the years.

  3. Thanks for sharing all that you did. It was interesting and the views were lovely. Good wishes. Andrew.

    1. Thanks! Had a wee rethink..... will try it again but maybe a bit differently - see how I go.

  4. Thanks for sharing. It's been a real treat. Best wishes.
    Ken Wedding, Northfield, Minnesota, USA

  5. You and your overlook of the Orkneys has been wonderful! It's been a joy to get to know you. Have a good life/1

    1. Aww thanks Mary. I still have the picture you painted - it's on the wall in the bedroom at my new home!

  6. Oh I'll really miss these, though I don't often comment, and will miss reading about your new life on the mainland. I too fell out of love with blogging 5 or so year ago due to ageing parents and work pressures, but last year after my mother passed away I got the bug again and while I now only post two or 3 posts a month I'm enjoying it again. We live in hope you will return sometime in the future. But if not enjoy the 'mainland' and the joy of the northern Isles :-)

    1. Thank you! I have been thinking for the last year about whether to finish or not. I thought once I was settled in my new home I might feel the urge to return, but so far not so. Will try instagram for a while and see how that goes....

    2. Well, I tried Instagram but have decided it's not for me. My timeline never showed me any of your images and I became frustrated with the whole complicated process of posting myself. So I've left. But just popped back onto hear to say good look on Insta and I wish you well for the future.

    3. Hmmm I'm not thrilled with Instagram either - lots of rubbish. So back to blogging - may not be that often but will give it a go!

  7. Sorry to hear of your decision, but all good things come to an end. I have thoroughly enjoyed your blog, Having a small window on a place I visited and fell in love with decades ago but won't see again, has been very special. I wish you and Madam Button all the best.
    Elisabeth, Canberra, Australia.

    1. Thank you and thanks for following me. It is a beautiful place that's for sure.

  8. Oh, how I will miss you and Button! Thank you so much for the years of delightful blog posts you've given us. I've thoroughly enjoyed them and wish you and Button all the best.

    1. Thanks Peggy Am glad you enjoyed your "visits" to my blog. Thanks for your comments over the years!

  9. Yup..... life moves on. I've enjoyed your poems though and will miss those!

  10. I will miss you, Button, your lovely photos and shared stories. I hope the future is gentle and kind for you. Hugs.

  11. Will miss following your adventures through the beautiful parts of the isles and will miss photos of button 😻have requested to follow you on instragram, take care of yourself,margaret

    1. See latest - had a rethink as didn't get on with Instagram....

  12. Wishing you and Madame Button all the best. Have followed your blog for some years and will miss your posts about life in Orkney (one of my favourite places).

    1. Thanks... Have hade a rethink as didn't get on with Instagram.... will try again!

  13. Fare thee well, your photos are beauties. If you come back to blogging, leave a comment telling me that on my blog terragarden and I will follow you again. I am not on instagram, too busy.

  14. Thank you for your blog. I have been a long time lurker and enjoyed the vivid images of Orcadian life. All the best for the future.

    1. Thank you for your kind words. Am back and will see how it goes.....

  15. Will totally miss your adventures . Yours and M Buttons .
    barb from the wilds of Vancouver Island.

    1. Thanks Barb.... Button missed blogging so am going to try again and see how it goes!

  16. Oh dear...just when I'd discovered you! I hope the blog will stay up so I may read older posts...I'll be spending a quiet evening enjoying your writing and photos. These are lovely...I know if I ever visited (on my wish list, I'm in the US) I'd never come home! Wishing you the best, Mary, Windy Meadows Farm

    1. Well I'm going to come back and see how it goes (a girl can change her mind after all! LOL!)
