
Friday 22 September 2023

Ooops - September....


Where did it go?! Haven't been out and about that much as still dealing with post-covid fatigue, but feeling better daily so that's positive. 

Autumn has arrived in Orkney after a lovely summer of sunshine, no wind, and warm (for Orkney) temperatures.  Autumn equinox this weekend.  Yikes!  Have noticed the nights drawing in.

Anyway - as I don't have many pictures for this month here are some from the end of August when I was last out and about.

These photos are taken down at the tip of South Ronaldsay, one of the linked South Isles.  The Sands of Wright is a favourite place of mine, and since I moved it's much closer!

The view from Freda!

Sailing away....

I love the sandy beach....

It's a popular spot for campers and you can see why.

People on the beach - I'm not used to that!

Rocky coastline...

Freda living life on the edge...


It doesn't show up well but the heather was out on the hill....

And just along the road is home to Snow White and her friends, post Disney success they sought a quieter life I think. LOL!


  1. Beautiful pictures! Is there much for tourism on your island or is it pretty much just your few dozen residents? Looks like a great place to live!

  2. Beautiful...thanks again for sharing such lovely photos. I'd love to have my little camper there somewhere just taking it all in - lucky you!

  3. Thanks again for the seaside photos. Glad you're feeling better. Ken from Minnesota

  4. Oh, Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs are so cute. The beach looks peaceful and lovely.
