
Thursday 15 May 2008

Another vet visit.....

Well today was a little more stressful than I would have liked. Fitzi-cat came in from his morning constitutional and seemed to have something stuck in his throat. He managed to sort himself out but still seemed in discomfort and wouldn’t settle and given he also now seems to be pulling chunks of his fur out I decided a visit to the vet was called for – again. However we don’t have a mid-day boat on a Thursday so I ended up begging a ride from a friend on the island who has a small boat to take me over to town as it was a lovely calm day. Thankfully vet was very understanding when I turned up without an appointment – well they do understand the challenges of small island travel etc. Anyway he recommended an anti-inflamatory and pain killing injection instead of the oral pain meds I’d been giving Fitzi for his sore back. Fitzi’s throat looked a bit sore but was fine apart from that, though he apparently had a slight temperature. So I headed back to Stromness with a very grumpy Fitzi. Unfortunately I still had a couple of hours to wait for the ferry and as it has been extremely warm I didn’t want to leave Fitz in the car, so went and got a take-away tea and settled down for a nap with him in the shade of a car park.

Of course once we get home he stomps off in a complete huff with me, in marked contrast to his attitude at the vet where he clung to me and tried climbing up onto my shoulder, looking at me in terror as the vet tried to stick a thermometer where a chap really doesn’t want a thermometer! But NOW I am perceived as The Devil Incarnate…… well that will wear off in a day or two, bless him.

Of course going over to town unexpectedly means I now have to catch up on work. However it is a beautiful evening and I have the window open so can hear all the birds calling – it’s actually quite noisy! Earlier I heard the lambs in the old garden bleating away. I went out to see if all was well as they were making so much noise, but I think it was dinner time and the ewe clearly felt it was a night for a “carry-out”, however she eventually relented and given the peace and quiet since I assume she provided dinner!

The weather has been wonderfully settled for a couple of weeks now which is extremely unusual for Orkney. They say you can get all the season in one day – whatever time of year it is! Though I remember when I first moved here in 2000 May was a glorious month – I was living in the caravan at the side of the house at the time and it got very hot indoors!

It’s wonderful without the wind – it is so still tonight I can hear the announcement on the Hamnavoe ferry just arriving in Stromness telling car drivers to return to the vehicles! And the long days are lovely – today sunrise was at 04.41 and sunset is scheduled for 21.38.

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