
Sunday 18 May 2008

We are still experiencing settled weather, with sunshine and No Wind…. Amazing and wonderful. I am Very Happy about this…

Friday night I was over in Hoy for a Community Council meeting. The ferry trip there and back was lovely, very calm. Though it was a little chilly. This month’s meeting was at the Hoy Centre which has a great view of Graemsay, so next time I must remember to take my camera!

Yesterday I was working and was fed up to be indoors with such glorious weather, but needs must. I did go for a brief walk in the evening though. It was so still.

Today I did some work in the garden again, though think I overdid it and have pulled some muscles in my back. Ho Hum……. It feels a little better after a hot bath anyway.

I’m pleased with the way the new border is developing. Last year I planted lots of “sticks” which this year are developing into good rosa rugosa, and fushia bushes. Plus one or two trees I planted look as though they are doing well. The perennials I planted among them are also coming along nicely.

From May onwards everything grows so quickly with the long days. Of course this means the weeds do too! I don’t mind the daisies but I was digging up young thistles and cow parsley today. I do have a soft spot for cow parsley as it reminds me of my old pony, Badger. It was his favourite and when we went out through the fields he would graze on it as we walked along as it was just at the height of his mouth. Sometimes he’d pull the whole plant up and walk along dragging it, while I tried to snatch it from his mouth without falling off!

I didn’t get round to mowing the grass today, but hopefully the weather will hold for a few more days and I can get it cut then. I have a mobile lawnmower in the old garden at present – a ewe and young lamb. I’ll try and take a picture tomorrow. The grass is so long in there the wee lamb disappears, but it will be a great way to get the grass down!

When I first moved into the house I had a ewe tethered at the back with a young lamb that was “free range” – working on the principle that it wouldn’t go far from the ewe. The lamb got very friendly and I was quite attached to him – Minty I called him. I was very tempted to ask if I could keep him as a pet, but in the end he went back with the flock. Here’s a picture of Minty...

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