
Thursday 18 December 2008

Running to catch up.....

I know - I'm late again. Must be related to the White Rabbit in Alice in Wonderland... As I said before, I'm trying to complete a work project before Christmas so working longish hours at the moment. And like everyone else trying to get ready for christmas, posting cards and parcels, getting supplies in etc. Somehow there just aren't enough hours in the day. And I don't really *do* Christmas - so I don't have anywhere near as much to do as most folk but it feels more than enough.

Anyway I have a few days off over Christmas and the New Year and as we won't have boats for four days over Christmas and again for four days over New Year I'm sure I'll have plenty of time to catch up on things as I won't be going anywhere else!

AND my camera is broken so I'm not able to take photos at the moment - sigh. I'm on the look out for a new one but don't really have time to look too widely, although a friend is advising on suitable options. Hopefully in the new year I can buy myself a Christmas present!

The weather is wild and windy at the moment. It seems to have rained constantly for the last week so everywhere is wet and the ground sodden with lots of pools of water lying around. The forecast is for the wind to continue into next week.

That makes shopping a challenge - trying to get on and off the ferry in poor weather laden with bags is interesting. Though often folk are around to lend a hand. But some days I decide to leave shopping in the car on the mainland and wait till it's calmer weather to bring it home. Trying to carry lightweight kitchen roll packs or something awkwardly shaped is not a good idea when gusts of wind might carry it back to Stromness for you!

The hens have been staying close to the hen-house. Sadly Findlay is no more - he had been very poorly the last couple of weeks, his legs seemed to have given up on him. So it seemed kindest to get someone to "do the deed". He'd had a good life, with several harems and a completely free range existance. I'm not in a hurry to replace him. I only have two hens at the moment so want to build up my stock of those. I do like seeing a cockeral around but not being in a hurry to have chicks around again, there's no real need to have one about the place. The hens can have some peace for a while!

OK now need to get on with work. Sorry for the interruption in service!!


  1. Good to hear from you again, Sian. Like you I am not at all prepared for Christmas. Will write my cards for posting tonight - have received a couple of horrendous "Round Robins" from people I have not seen for years. They are persisting even though I didn't send them cards last year! Hope you are surviving the winds. Sad about Findlay, though he obviously had a lovely life. Bye for now, Jo

  2. I've been known to be writing my cards and posting them Xmas Eve! This year I was actually organised!

  3. RIP Findlay. He did indeed have a wonderful life.

    Like you, I don't really "do" Christmas. I haven't sent out cards for years, so I receive very few, which is fine. I do like the ones with updates on people's lives, though. Even without too much fuss, with daughter and SIL visiting, holiday time is a good time, and we do manage to pass around a fair amount of loot.

    I hope your holidays are cheery!

  4. I like the idea of a mid-winter holiday. Just not all the commercialism and stress that seems to go with Christmas. Though I have to say for the past 10 years I've bypassed most of the stress :-)
